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The Spanish Government will not recognise the crimes of the GAL as state terrorism

  • The Spanish Government has repeatedly avoided providing accurate data on attacks related to the dirty war in recent years. According to previous reports by the Basque Government, at least 37% of the cases were closed without a formal response to the victims.  

14 August 2020 - 12:22
Monbar Hoteleko sarraskia.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

If there are still doubts about the position of the Government of Pedro Sánchez regarding the crimes of the LAGs, the executive has clearly explained its position these days: "There is no state terrorism in Spain," he added. In this way, those responsible for 11 cases still to be clarified will go unpunished, while the victims of these crimes, in the absence of official recognition, will be suspended.

EH Deputy Bildu Jon Iñarritu wanted to form a “map” with the attacks of Tripe A, Spanish Basque Battalion and the GAL. To this end, he has called for the cooperation of the Spanish State, responsible for the crimes committed in Spain. Through a written question, Iñarritu mentioned a request for prior information to the government on the attacks by BVE and the LAGs. In particular, I wanted to know the number of crimes and the status of these judicial proceedings, as well as the prison actually carried out by those who were convicted by the courts.

On 21 May he received his first reply: "The investigation of crimes of localization and detention of suspected offenders is one of the functions entrusted to the State Security Forces and Bodies". The Department of Security said, "All necessary investigations have been carried out and will continue to be carried out to clarify the facts that may constitute a crime." In the document, the Spanish Government did not answer the questions raised by Iñarritu, who asked for specific data on the situation of the infanta. That is why the honourable Member once again tried to make the request for information.

In his question, Iñarritu asked the Government to clarify whether it was already in its power to "take appropriate measures" to "clarify all the attacks committed by State terrorism". It was then that the response of the Spanish Government, of just two lines, arrived, which merely denies the existence of state terrorism.

The Basque Government documented in a report submitted in 2014 that 37% of the attacks recorded by the GAL, which is the author of at least 27 armed actions, were not clarified, while 20% of the attacks by BVE and satellite groups were simply "archived". According to this official report, unresolved crimes amounted to 23 per cent. To all of them are those killed by uniformed civil guards, armed police officers and Spanish police in the context of the conflict in the Basque Country.

The sentences handed down for the crimes of the GAL have made clear the involvement of the members of the government of Felipe González in these attacks. These include former Interior Minister José Barrionuevo, former Secretary of State for Security Rafael Vera, former civil governor Julián Sancristóbal and former Bilbao Police Chief Miguel Planchuelo.

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