Pedro Sánchez’s executive is hiding details of the exile of the Bourbon. Although the Spanish Government has defended the "transparency" of all the institutions, it has reiterated its refusal to explain the details of the negotiations it has held with King Philip VI. He did not wish to acknowledge, among other things, whether Juan Carlos I’s decision to move to another country has been agreed with the Government of Spain or not.
The date, place and context of these talks are yet to be clarified, as are the people who had information about their existence. Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, on Tuesday accused Sánchez of not communicating the decision to Vice-President Pablo Iglesias and the other ministers of Podemos. However, there is no reason to say that the members of the government of the purple party know nothing. On the other hand, the current source of income that pays the security expenses of the former king and the official settlement of Juan Carlos I.aren remain unknown, at least for the majority of society.
Sánchez did not want to give data on his historic decision at the press conference he offered at the Moncloa Palace to take stock of the political course. After his initial speech, the hearing has become an impossible dialogue between journalists who want to know the whereabouts of the former king and the president of the Spanish Government.
Again and again they ask him if he knows the fate of the king emeritus. Sánchez responds that this information is “unspeakable”. "The important thing is that Juan Carlos has said that he will be made available to the Prosecutor's Office and the Justice Office," Sánchez stressed in a statement released on Monday by his lawyer. The President of the Spanish Government has not explained to the ministers the alleged criterion of concealment of the exit of the king emeritus.
"The topics of the offices between the head of state and the president of the government are discreet and confidential. We respect the decision of the Casa Real, which marks distances from certain behaviors that can be classified as irregular. I have nothing else to say," Pedro Sánchez stressed when asked about a journalist's negotiations with the former king.
Goiko esferetan mugitzen diren gizaseme zoriontsu guztiak antzekoak dira, eta egin behar ez luketen zerbait egiten atzematen dituzten guztiak berriz, bakoitza bere modukoa. Boris Johnson eta Iñaki Urdangarin, BoJo eta Besoluze –horrela deitzen omen dio Juan Karlos... [+]
Last August, the news of the flight of Juan Carlos de Borbón became a great stir. After two years of economic frustration, the beloved head of State decided to move and emigrate to the United Arab Emirates. Those who offend women, homosexuals and censure journalists, yes.
In... [+]