In reply to a question from EH Bildu Parliamentarian, Mikel Otero, Tapia said that the investor groups concerned are as follows: A Norwegian for salmon farming, a British holding company for the breeding of various species and a Franco-Spanish group for a project for the development of salmon trout.
In the same question, Arantxa Tapia explains that it is not yet possible to carry out an environmental study of the projects, since it is necessary to develop the land concession previously. In this sense, steps have been taken with Iberdrola’s renunciation of ownership of the area last October.
For her part, the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has confirmed that the ownership of the soil that houses the nuclear power plant "in the coming weeks" will be of the Basque Government, whose proceedings ended on 29 October.
Congressional spokesman Aitor Esteban welcomed this announcement and considered that the donation process "will be completed in February". He also recalled that, although the Government of Lakua is entitled to "make a movement", this assignment was agreed upon by the governments of Mariano Rajoy and Pedro Sánchez.
This news was posted by Hiruka and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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