This Monday it has been confirmed that the Spanish men’s football team will play the three matches of the group stage of the next Euro Cup at the San Mamés stadium in Bilbao. After winning the qualifying match played on Monday, Baskonia has managed with this victory to lead the qualifying stage and play as local the three matches of the group stage. The three matches will be held in Euskal Herria between June and July, according to the club.
Yes, if the European football organisation (UEFA) does not make unexpected changes. For many months now, several sectors of Bilbao and Euskal Herria have condemned this possibility and more and more voices have called for “reaction”, especially on social networks:
Let us raise the wave in favor of the selection of the Basque Country. By June 2020, something massive and effective must be invented.
Spain will play three Euro Cup matches in San Mamés via @elcorreo
— Mikel (@milan_irastorza) November 19, 2019
What would motivate the hostility that if Ireland played against Spain in San Mamés we were all with the green of our team, that of the Basque Country.
— Diseclico (@JoIdencolfil) November 19, 2019
For his part, the male Euskal Selekzioa coach, Javier Clemente, sees “well” that the Spanish team plays in the Cathedral and has asked to “show and encourage” this selection in an interview in TeleBilbao.
UEFAk apirilaren hasieran erabakiko du Bilbo izango den Europako Futbol Txapelketa jasoko duen hirietako bat. Alegia, Espainiako selekzioak San Mamesen jokatuko ote duen. Horren aurrean, mobilizazio nazionala deitu du Eurocopa Honi Ez ekimenak, apirilaren 10ean Bilbon.
The Spanish men’s football team, for the first time since 1967 in the Basque Country, will play three Euro 2020 matches at the stadium in San Mamés. “In 2014 we presented the candidature of the City of Bilbao, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Basque Government,... [+]