Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Map and investigation of the bombings of the Spanish War in the Basque Country

  • The research carried out by Xabier Irujo "Atlas of Bombardments in the Basque Country (1936-1937)" collects 1,220 bombing operations carried out between July 1936 and August 1937 in the context of the Spanish Civil War in the Basque Country Sur.El Gogora Public Institute has published the work, and in turn has put local information on the Map of Bombardments.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

07 September 2021 - 07:40
Last updated: 09:42

During the 1936-1937 war, 127 localities from Bizkaia, Gipyekoa and Álava, 1 from Cantabria and 4 from Navarra were bombed. These are those that can be considered as part of the war operations in the Basque Country: In Navarre there was no direct military action, but there was basal fascist repression, and that only bombardment (and almost as in Cantabria) occurred in the context of nearby events.

A bombing operation is the set of air attacks carried out by one or more air units to a single end on a day of war. That means that you can do one or more bombings in a bombing operation. Thus, during that period, 2,042 bombings were recorded, 1,870 of which were perpetrated by the insurgents and 172 by the Republicans.

The territorial classification would be as follows:

  • Álava: 171 bombing operations; 129 carried out by insurgents and 42 by Republicans.
  • Biscay: 811 bombing operations, 771 by insurgents and 40 by Republicans.
  • Gipuzkoa: 238 bombing operations, 167 carried out by the rebels and 71 carried out by Republicans.

Geocalized map here; and research book available in free PDF here.

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