Last week the Spanish Public Prosecutor’s Office published a report of almost 1,500 pages with data, actions and studies from 2022. The so-called terrorism section is often consulted every year with a great deal of emphasis (from page 469, and mention of environmental groups on pages 481 and 482).
In the section on terrorism, the public prosecutor's office has included in the subsection "Radical Environmentalism" the references to the two environmental groups mentioned. Extinction Rebellion and Vegetable Future groups have known for their private jet and yacht sabotages in recent years.
According to the memory of the Spanish Public Prosecutor’s Office, last year 26 environmental activists were arrested for committing illegal concentrations, damaging private and public goods and not repairing.
31 arrests related to the ETA environment
Activity related to ETA is assessed annually. "The main vector of ETA's threat is divided into several collectives," the memory says, and says that "juvenile collectives" are the most "active". No name given.
31 people were attended in 2022, half in Navarra (16) and 5 in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. Typologically, most of the arrest has been carried out "by exalting terrorism" (13), followed by "burning flags" (5), "public disorder" (4) and "political attack".
Mention is made of the ATA (Amnesty and Freedom), highlighting its "low capacity for mobilization": "The organization is not stable, has no property of its own, uses premises of other groups and its financing system is rather precarious".
When talking about actions against the victims of ETA, all that is done is the fact of Berango.
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