According to Pamplona today, the president of the Confederation of Business Organizations of Spain (CEOE), Antonio Garamendi Lecanda (member of a family of entrepreneurs from Getxo, advisor to companies such as Babcock & Wilcox, Albura, Electricity Network and Tubes United) will also be present.
Manuel Torres and MTorres
Natural from Murcia. He is currently a member of the Science and Technology Council of the Spanish Ministry of Industry and of the jury of the Prince of Asturias Prize for Science and Technology. He founded the MTorres group in 1975, which currently consists of six companies and 700 workers, and is dedicated to sectors such as aeronautics, paper industry and renewable energies.
Visit to Felipe VI.aren and Saudi Arabia businesses
In this chronicle of News of Navarre you can read how the king of Spain visited last year the headquarters of the company MTorres in Navarre and showed him his infrastructure and the work process. In this chronicle it is noteworthy that the machine exposed "Torresfiberlayup", for carbon fiber components, was manufactured for the company Taqnia, belonging to the Saudi Arabia Public Investment Funds. MTorres acknowledges on its website that "an intense commercial activity has started in Saudi Arabia".
The so-called Taqnia is closely related to the Vision 2030 program, and in this program El País announced that Spanish and Basque companies were interested in reporting the King’s controversial visit to Saudi Arabia in 2017.
In 2015 he gave him another Felipe prize VI.ak
The king awarded him the National Prize for Design and Innovation granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, according to the last paragraph of the financial means of this news item.
Despite the fact that two centuries have passed, the problem of La Plutónica cannot be allowed to fade in the well of oblivion. In addition to 200 years ago to learn about the history of La Plutónica, we must go back to the other side of the ocean, Montevideo.
The brothers... [+]
San Sebastián, 1865. Two years after the demolition of the city walls, the Association of Engineers of Gipuzkoa drafted a report that reflected the proposal to close the left entrance of the bay between Igeldo and Santa Clara. In this way, the bay would be a great port and the... [+]
Ekintzaileek salatu dute Puerto Rico “inbaditzen” ari direla. Felipe VI. erregea irlan izan da, San Juan hiriburuaren sorreraren bosgarren mendeurrenaren ospakizun ekitaldietan; Ponce de Leon Espainiako konkistatzaile eta genozidak eraiki zuen hiria, 1521ean. Puerto... [+]
Javier Chicote eta Juan Fernández-Miranda kazetariek El jefe de los espías (Espioien burua) liburua argitaratu berri dute. ABC espainiar egunkariko kazetariak dira biak, lehena ikerketa taldekoa eta bigarrena ABCko zuzendariaren albokoa. Hamalau urtez Espainiako... [+]
It has been 20 years since the book Un rey coup a coup (Erregea, kolpez kolpe) was published by Arakatzen S.L., the publisher of the magazine Ardi Beltza. The Servimedia agency and the newspaper El Mundo reported the book with the headline: “Pepe Rei Publishes a book that... [+]