In Navarre, men earn an average of 31,643 euros annually and women 24,809 euros annually. Therefore, there is a gender gap of 6,834 euros. CCOO of Navarra values this increase positively, which also reduces the wage gap, although the difference is still very large, as it is the largest in the state.
However, the union reports that in recent years this gap is narrowing: In 2011 the wage gap between men and women was 28.2% and in 2021 it was 21.6%.
The highest wages are in the industrial sector, with an average of 31,432 euros, followed by construction, 28,986 euros, and services, 26,963 euros. According to the survey, Navarre is the third highest paid community in the state, after Madrid (29,513 euros) and the CAPV (31,064 euros).
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