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Moratorium on a project in Mallorca that would be the largest macro-farm in the Spanish state

  • Son Vanrell, a macros farm that they built in Sineu, would have 750,000 chickens. The ecological damage would be significant: it would be the largest growth centre in the Spanish State in ammonia emissions and would absorb a third of the country’s water consumption.

24 October 2024 - 07:50
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Macrogranges No [Macro-etxalde ez] platform welcomed the decision of the Plenary of the City of Sineu (Mallorca) to impose a one-year moratorium on the macro-etxalde Son Vanrell project. This is a measure taken unanimously by the Corporation’s Plenary Session. It is estimated that this would be the largest macro-farm in the Spanish state, according to Greenpeace, to produce 156 million eggs per year, with an increase of 750,000 chickens.

In view of environmental damage, citizens and elected officials have a powerful movement against: "It has become clear to us that the popular movement can be fruitful. Let us hope that other municipalities will continue along the same path," said Macrogranges spokeswoman No, Joana María Anrich.

This would be the growth of the Spanish State that would produce more ammonia emissions, thereby obtaining a third of the country’s water consumption. In addition to ammonia, huge amounts of nitrate would be deducted, "emitting highly polluting gases", according to Greenpeace.

To this must be added the objective of collecting fertilizers from the macro-farms of the municipalities of Llucmajor and Manacor. This would increase bad smells and water pollution to the inhabitants of the area. The ecologists have as evidence the testimonies of the inhabitants of these two villages, and they all have the same conclusion: seeing that in the town of Manacor they have about 70,000 chickens, "you cannot imagine" the smell they would have to bear along with a breeding of 750,000 chickens. Macrogranges It does not denounce again and again the smell of the accumulation of dead birds through videos and photographs: "They make big holes and throw away chickens. They leave it open until it fills them, and they cover it with a disgusting smell that causes the inhabitants of the area.

Need to amend the law

To paralyse these kinds of macro-projects, ecologists believe that a change in legislation is necessary. In particular, the Macrogranges platform has not called for the amendment of the Agriculture Law and the Territorial Plans of Mallorca. Precisely because it is a "small and vulnerable" island, political measures to prohibit macro-farm projects have been considered "essential".

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