On Wednesday, 20 May, it was a day returned to the political activity of the Spanish State. During the day, EH Bildu, Podemos and PSOE have signed an agreement to revoke the labor reform approved in 2012 and commit to doing so before the end of the state of alarm. However, when the lights of Congress were turned off, the Head of Government has gone back; the PSOE has rectified and announced that three articles will be amended which do not override the entire labour reform.
The driving force behind this last decision was the economic vice-president of the Spanish Government, Nadia Calviño. Her ministry has always maintained that she does not intend to cancel the labor reform that pp launched in 2012, and the vice-president has pointed out that it is an inadequate situation for the current situation.
Times of legal uncertainty
Calviño has thus defined the crisis caused by the pandemic. Spain is going to have to issue this year a debt of EUR 300 billion, the largest in its history. In order to do this, it will need the help of the market, of the entrepreneurs. It will also need the assistance of the European Central Bank (ECB) to purchase European sovereign debt.
Both employers and the European Central Bank (ECB) have opposed the repeal of the 2012 labour reform. The European Commission also voted in favour of labour reform, claiming that it had helped to create jobs.
Agreement without social dialogue
The employer CEOE has cut off relations with the Government of Spain, considering that it has not propitiated the debate. He has also criticized the signing of an agreement with EH Bildu, who has been accused of "bolstering social dialogue" in the Basque Country.
Many voices have stood up against this view of the employers. In fact, many have reminded the CEOE that the labor reform approved in 2012 was launched thanks to the votes of pp and CIU, "without social interaction". The rest of the opposition parties were against the reform, considering that it allowed "precariousness and unjustified layoffs". The demonstrations were held against this labor reform and against it, affirmed that the labor reform was "imposed".
They did not complain so much when pp imposed by decree the labor reform that they commissioned him in 2012, and that he set up not only WITHOUT social dialogue, but AGAINST social dialogue, as the secretary general of CC.OO recalled today. @Pablo Sordo https://t.co/SrnLzUMiwe
— Amaia Fano (@Hemendik) May 21, 2020
The UGT trade union has taken the view of the employers who have always been in favour of the abolition of labour reform, but do not share the way in which this is done. He adds that they have not been aware of the project. It was not so critical CC.OO, that he said he agreed with the content, although he did not like the forms. ATA, the association of self-employed people, has spoken loudly, as 70% of the self-employed are at risk of losing their jobs in an alarming situation.
It seems that in Navarra the difference between high and low wages has grown the most. The increase in CPI in 2021 has been the largest in recent decades, and workers with dignified agreements will not lose purchasing power, but for most it will not. The fissure will rise... [+]
Ba joan den osteguneko lan-erreforma yolandikoaren botazioak harrapatu ninduen Shakespeareren Hamlet irakurtzen –ez galdu Juan Garzia Garmendiak egindako itzulpena, beste galaxia batera darama irakurketaren plazera–; eta Madrilgo diputatuak, saiatu behintzat, saiatu... [+]
Sayas eta Adanero diputatuek Espainiako Kongresuan lan erreformaren aurkako botoa eman dute, eta UPNk aktak itzul ditzaten eskatu die. Izatez, UPNk iragarri zuen babestu egingo zuela gobernu koalizioa, eta, ordainetan, PSNk bertan behera utziko zukeen “adierazpen... [+]
Espainiako Gobernuak CEOErekin eta CCOO eta UGT sindikatuekin adostutako testuari onespena eman dio ostegun arratsaldean Espainiako Kongresuak, baina Pedro Sánchezen inbestidura ahalbidetu zuten oposizioko alderdien babesik gabe oraingoan.
Espainiako Kongresuan lan erreformaren alde bozkatzea eskatu die UPNk bere bi diputatuei, eta horren lehen ondorioetako bat izan da PSNk Enrique Maya UPNko alkatea gaitzesteko egina zuen eskaera kendu egin duela. Gainera, udal aurrekontuak aldatzea ere babestuko dute alderdi... [+]
ELAk, LABek eta ESK-k EAJri eta Podemosi eskatu diete kaleratzeak bultzatzen dituen eta lan-harremanen esparrua errespetatzen ez duen lan-erreformaren aurka bozkatzea. Hala jakinarazi diete bi alderdi politikoei, gaur, urtarrilak 31, egindako bileretan. Bilera horiek EH... [+]
Hego Euskal Herriko lau hiriburuetan milaka lagun atera dira, Espainiako Kongresuan otsailaren 3an bozkatuko den "lan erreforma horri" ezetz esateko. ELA, LAB, STEILAS, ESK, Etxalde eta Hiru sindikatuek deitutako manifestazioetan salatu dute "Espainiako Gobernuak... [+]
Aste honetan salgai jarriko da produktu berri bat edo, bueno, produktuaren bertsio berri bat behintzat: Espainiako lan erreformaren erreforma. Trajea aukeratu behar da hori nola saldu asmatzeko. Eta iruditzen zait EAJk azken asteetan bi atera dituela bere armairu amaigabetik.
ESK-ko Koordinakunde Nazionaleko kideak ezkerrak gobernuan dagoenean dituen konplexuak salatzen ditu, eta kaleak berreskuratzeko jarrera irmoa azaldu du.
UGT Euskadiko Berdintasuna, Gizarte Politikak eta Aniztasuna alorreko idazkaria pozik agertu da akordioarekin, baina borrokatzen eta negoziatzen jarraituko dute.
CNTko Bilboko Ekonomialaria Elkarrizketa Sozialaren mahaian adostutako lan erreformaren kontra agertu da, ez dituelako iraultzen 2012ko erreformaren oinarriak
LABeko Ekintza Sindikaleko eta Negoziazio Kolektiboko idazkariak borrokaren bidez eragiteko aukera dagoela uste du, eta urtarrilaren 30eko mobilizaziorako deia egiten du.