For example, we saw this map in a survey of Congress languages.
This map shows the mention of Aranesa, variant of the Occitan that speaks in the Catalan Pyrenees, in the Garonne Valley. But there are more languages, like Occitan, coming from other "states," if Ceuta and Melilla are Spain, like Arabic and the same as Tarifit or Rif. And in Extremadura, on the border with Portugal, there are towns and regions that speak of Portuguese. And in Extremadura there are more, two Romanesque languages of their own, the indigenous languages: Fala and Extremadura. This map illustrates the linguistic regions originating in Extremadura.
Northeast of Extremadura, at one end is the valley of Xalima, where Fala is spoken, a very different variety from the Galician (in blue on the map). But the green region of its surroundings, which affects the regions of Hurdes in Cáceres and some of its surroundings, is the extreme language itself, the extremadura. The blue areas on the map are in Portuguese and are yellow-brown with variations in Spanish.
This is not, therefore, a dialect of Castilian, a Extremadura accent of the other regions. It's related to historical and philological links, eel lions. And in melody and lexicon, it's very different from Spanish. Listen to Anibal Martin's excerpt:
The distress has reached the 21st century in a very diglosic situation, with a great substitution throughout the 20th century. However, it has groups in its favor that have managed to start an active Wikipedia, among others.
Lagun asko sumatu dut kezkatuta euskaldun gero eta gutxiagok ahoskatzen duelako elle-a. Haur eta gazte gehienek bezala, heldu askok ere galdu du hots hori ahoskatzeko gaitasuna, idatzian ere nahasteraino. Paretan itsatsitako kartel batean irakurri berri dugu: altxorraren biya... [+]
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Iragan urtarrilaren hondarrean, Bretainiako lurraldeko bi hizkuntza gutxituei buruzko azken inkesta soziolinguistikoaren emaitzak publiko egin zituzten bertako arduradunek. Haiek berek aitortu zuten harriturik gertatu zirela emaitzak ikustean. Hain zuzen ere, egoerak eta... [+]
Oinarrizko maia komunitateko U Yich Lu’um [Lurraren fruitu] organizazioko kide da, eta hizkuntza biziberritzea helburu duen Yúnyum erakundekoa. Bestalde, antropologoa da, hezkuntza prozesuen bideratzaile, eta emakumearen eskubideen aldeko aktibista eta militante... [+]
Korsikako legebiltzarkideek ezin dute Korsikako Asanblean korsikeraz hitz egin, Bastiako Auzitegiaren 2023ko epai baten arabera. Ebazpen horri helegitea jarri zion Asanbleak, baina debekua berretsi du orain auzitegi berak. Epaiak tokiko beste hizkuntzei eragiten diela ohartarazi... [+]