The UN Committee against Torture will investigate the Spanish State for the seventh time. They met in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday and Friday to investigate whether or not it meets the agreed conditions and measures in this area.
The Centre for Human Rights, the Egia Zor and Sare Foundation have produced a report which contains two main points: the lack of recognition and recognition of victims and the barriers imposed on the freedom of political prisoners. In addition, the assessment of the Iñigo Cabacas case is discussed. That report will be submitted to that meeting, which will be reported by Naiz.
Cases of torture
The report explains that since 2015 there have been no cases of torture, but that in total the governments of Lakua and Pamplona have collected 5,379 cases. They denounce that recognition, justice and guarantees are not respected so that they do not happen again, because the police have not taken over. In addition, they note that they have acted “with total impunity”, in many cases with office increases. They therefore stress that “there is no guarantee” that it will not happen again.
Jar gaitezen 2025erako proposamen politiko gisa, Espainiako Auzitegi Kolonialaren (AN) epai guztiak berrikusten hasteko eta makila bakoitzak bere belari eusteko.
Unionismoarekin lerrokatutako alderdi, sindikatu eta gizarte-erakunde gehienek, eta ez bakarrik horrela... [+]
This year marks the 51st anniversary of the United Nations proclamation of International Human Rights Day on 10 December. This date has become important in Euskal Herria and the Human Rights Observatory of Euskal Herria wants to offer some elements of reflection.
Progress on... [+]
In 2006, Baltasar Garzón, then star judge, suffered a kind of revelation and drafted a practice that guaranteed the rights of those detained for terrorism. The same judge saw hundreds of incommunicado detainees pass through his room, many with obvious signs of ill-treatment,... [+]
“In the newsletter today at noon, you will see the mayor of your capital, offering the main plaza of the city to the military body that tortured us. In today’s information at noon, you will see the structure that murdered our friends and relatives unravel through our... [+]
“In the newsletter today at noon, you will see the mayor of your capital, offering the main plaza of the city to the military body that tortured us. In today’s information at noon, you will see the structure that murdered our friends and relatives unravel through our... [+]
When we talk publicly about torture, we realize how much society embraces the opinion that the “system” itself puts into effect on this issue. It uses a wide range of ministers and advisers, judges and experts, all with the help of the organic media, of course. And it has to... [+]