Twitter's @SpainGovedits account posted on Tuesday that the Spanish Ministry of Defense has been captured to make a reference to the 2017 referendum for the independence of Catalonia. Josep Maria Ganyet, a computer engineer, has received the arrangement. In fact, in the adaptation made in Wikipedia they are public and allow to know the IP number of the person who has made it. In this case, the modification was made by the number, corresponding to the Spanish Ministry of Defense.
In particular, the Ministry of Defence has placed its hand in the Wikipedia sheet in Catalan on the municipality of Alcarràs. The film Alcarràs de Carla Simón, premiered and successful this year, bears the same name as the Catalan people, and after receiving the Golden Bear at the Berlinale festival, it was discovered that it was among the films nominated for the Oscar. "The success of the film has led the Government of Spain to carry out a disastrous political manoeuvre: it has tried to rewrite the relationship between the municipality and October 1," can be read in Vilaweb. The Spanish Ministry of Defence has modified the reference to the referendum of 1 October 2017 in the information on the people of Alcarràs, removing those relating to the violent intervention of the Police and adding that the referendum was illegal.
As the adaptation has been identified, the information has been restored and the initial version can be re-read: "In the October 1, 2017 independence referendum, Alcarràs was one of the countries that experienced an offensive against the citizens of the Spanish Police so that the referendum would not take place." The computer engineer Ganyet explains how to undo the arrangement if you look at something similar in the future: if you go to the history, you can remove the arrangement within anyone's reach.
It turns out that the Ministry of Veritat has rewritten the història d’Alcarràs aquest migdia.
Mai que ho tornin a fer, només heu de fer click “Mostra l’historia”, at the pàgina d’Alcarràs, trobar l’edició en qüestió y després click “desfés”.#lifehack #piolinhack
— Josep M. Ganyet (@ganyet) September 13, 2022
Abokatua, aktibista soziala eta Espainiako Kongresuko diputatua da Jaume Asens (Bartzelona, 1972). Urtarrilaz geroztik, Pablo Iglesias ordezkatu du Unidas Podemos talde parlamentario konfederalaren presidentetzan. Abokatu gisa, giza eskubideen eta mugimendu sozialen defentsak... [+]