Oihana Garmendia and Haimar Altuna, members of the Sortu, reported at a press conference on Wednesday that the National High Court ordered the closure of the magazine Kalera Info and the website Kalera Kalera for an alleged crime of alteining terrorism. They claim that the decision is based on reports from the Civil Guard and that the judge has not issued a decision following a diligence of the Prosecutor’s Office. The decision has been appealed by the party, and the answer given to it will determine whether the court’s decision is final or not.
Sortu has described the event as "a serious fact", as it is opposed to the informative action in Navarra. Garmendia and Altuna have pointed out that this is not the party’s first attack on prisoners’ rights, and have recalled that the Spanish National Court has opened a summary against some of its members, including its spokesmen. Such processes criminalize work for the rights of Basque political prisoners and prisoners and assistance to prisoners.
The journal Kalera Info has been in operation since 2017 and is published every three months. It provides information to Basque political prisoners, both the one they need to carry out their prison itinerary and the new mobilizations for the rights of Basque prisoners. The closure of the magazine would leave Basque political prisoners without that source of information that directly affects them.
Sortu described the mandate as "an attack on coexistence" and said that "there are those who seem to want to close the door open to coexistence, against the majority will of this country".
"This people cannot accept this new attack by the most reactionary sectors of the state, let alone now, because broad consensus has been reached to resolve the issue of political prisoners, exiled and deported politicians, thanks to the will and effort of many agents, including political prisoners," they read.
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