This is a judgment relating to the company Glovo: The Spanish Supreme Court has condemned for the first time the working model on which a digital platform is based. As he defended before the judge, Glovo did not hire the worker, but he worked for him as a freelancer, as did the other distributors. According to the ruling made public on Wednesday, the company’s relationship with the distributors is of a labour and non-self-employed nature. Thus, Glovo will have to pay compensation to Isaac Cuende, a worker of the company who fired last year. According to the ruling, Glovo is not a mere intermediary between trade and distribution, but a lucrative business.
This judgment may lead to the annulment of the procurement model used by Glovo and other similar companies and the subsequent recruitment of staff by those companies. In this respect, the Spanish Government has announced that it is drafting a law to clarify the situation of the riders.
Riders X Derechos, for their part, preferred to be cautious in their statements to El Salto until the judgment was analyzed. However, they have been optimistic: “This is not over, but we are very happy because the sentence gives us the reason for what we have fought over the past four years.”
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