The Spanish state has an unemployment rate of 13.5%, the worst in the European Union; the latest data have been published by the Commission Europea.La average unemployment in the EU is 6.2% and that of the Eurozone is 6.8%. Greece is the country with the worst data after Spain, with a unemployment rate of 12.9%, and Sweden with 7.6%. The next is France, with an unemployment rate of 7.4%.
As for youth unemployment, Spain is also the country with the worst data, with 29.6% of unemployed youth. In Greece this figure is 27.2% and in Italy it is 24.5%. France ranks tenth with 16.3% data. The EU average is 13.9% for youth unemployment, and in the Eurozone this rate is also 13.9%.
Unemployment in general is in the Czech Republic, with 2.3% of the unemployed, and in terms of youth unemployment, Germany is the best country, with a rate of 5.5%.
EU #youth #unemployment in March 2022:
? ?29.6%
? ?27.2%
? ?24.5%
? ?22.3%
? -22.0%
? ?21.6%
? ?18.8%
? ?18.4%
? ?17.0%
? ?16.3%
? ?16.0%
? ?14.4%
? ?14.0%
? ?13.9%
? ?13.8%
? ?13.5%
? ?12.3%
? -11.5%
? ?10.3%
? ?10.0%
? ?9.8%
? ?9.2%
? ?9.1%
? ?8.0%
? ?7.1%
? ?6.9%
? ?6.9%
? ?5.5%
via @EU_Eurostat
EU Social (@EU_Social) May 4, 2022
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