Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa
Alvise Pérez, Se acabó la fiesta (Bukatu da festa) alderdiko burua. Hiru parlamentari lortu ditu youtuber faxistak, eta ia-ia Orain Errepublikak koalizioak bezainbeste boto.

Most Moved Holder: The PP has won the elections, especially because it has eaten Citizens in its entirety, and the PSOE remains roughly equal, keeping three out of ten total voters. Therefore, the PSOE has maintained the battle and a half badly seen what has happened in Europe, as the presidents or prime ministers who were governing have had to resign on the right or by the blow of the extreme right.

President Pedro Sánchez continues to maintain the railing. Partly because the vote on the right has been more divided than originally expected; otherwise, yes, it would have been more evident. A simple calculation to see more clearly the rise of the right and the Spanish ultraderecha: In 2019 they had 5.9 million votes and in 2024 8.5 million.

Thanks to the “Anti-Sanchez” campaign, the PP has fed not one far-right, but two. Vox is pleased that the vote rate has risen from 6% to 9%, but also regretted that another 4.6% has been mobilized by its environment to turn its back on Voxi and support a new fascist movement: The party is over (The party is over, in Basque).

Just start the party

Sociologically, it can be said that, with all certainty, the way of making politics and exercising voting in Spain has entered another phase. The party ended with 800,000 votes, 210,000 more than Podemos and Irene Montero and only 10,000 less than Sumar.

The “movement” that has just created the youtuber or influencer Alvise Pérez, whatever it may be, but fascist, has mobilized a lot of votes outside the media spotlight – 23,000 votes in Hego Euskal Herria – and the novelty is that it is so. It is considered “rebellious” because it is “the only one who says things clear”. It usually sends messages that people from left to right like, or people who are going through all politics in general: “All politicians are corrupt”; “Homemade tomatoes need more bureaucratic role than illegal immigrants”; “In Spain there is no freedom of expression”.

It has never gone beyond those general messages, because it has no background, but nor does it need in these times of social media trend. It has spread lies scientifically, unequivocally, but people do not care whether or not that information is true. Perez is the king of Fake news and doesn't hide. The impact of social media is well measured. Dozens of allegations of defamation, disinformation and reproach against the good name of individuals have been brought before the courts. But it doesn't care. Or not: he has piled up so many accusations against him, that he has come to the European Parliament to achieve aphorization and immunity, to further shield his “freedom of expression”. That is, to continue to disinform. And people have voted, almost as much as the Republic.

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