A month ago he was in jail, Mertxe Txiki; his son has just said to me. And I've remembered our grandmothers and our grandparents. Like you, they have an honest balcony, but at a rather narrow distance from home and they can't see nature as a whole. Less details. The decorations that give us this time of the year can be seen on almost all floors, but not from the balcony of the house. I want to make a little chronicle, because I know that people of your age, who have been so close to nature, follow the order of plant signals. "Now this plant has flourished, the flower has gone to the other, it has become another of leaves..." That's what we call phenology; by not knowing the word, you're also artists in it.
You know, the flowering of the willow (Salix atrocinerea) has passed, which says spring has come. Also the magnolia that loses the leaf (Magnolia soulangeana). In the white blooms of the black hawthorn (Prunus spinosa), even the white one was proposed. The Olmo de Hojaldre (Ulmus minor) has also reached its peak; the large trees have been populated with flowers, and soon full of puff leaves, you know, with that elegant intense green. Smaller smells, which can't flourish, already have a pretty leaf.
Robles, Beno robles (Quercus robur), all the choice from intense green to red in dine hostels. You'll see someone away from the balcony. At the ends of the branches the matches were rounded up to the sick.
Flowering strawberries (Fraxinus excelsior) showing their masculine flowers, the perals (Pyrus spp.) white, also cherry blossoms (Prunus avium), but it does not look like a good year; a kind of bloom that is somewhat marred, not those that make trees so white and so white. Intsusa (Sambucus nigra) has also begun to flourish. Borago officinalis (Borago officinalis) and Galician cabbage or forage (Brassica oleracea “Viridis”) are starting to flourish and the bumblebees are walking around, which is more than enough.
Asparagus (Geranium robertianum) and peas (Arum italicum) have a very large flower. Yesterday I saw some wild boar garlands on the back and devoured by the bulbs. The Libias (Clivia miniata) of the tits, which we like so much, and the bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae), were full of orange flowers. The next time we can take it to your balcony.
Mizpira (Mespilus germanica), kiwi (Actinidia sinensis) and grape (Vitis vinifera) are opening the leaves.
Truly, on the way every day, I ate the first strawberries (Fragaria vesca), you will also enjoy them... and they ate and I immediately heard the cuckoo for the first time. Yes, yes, already the countryside (Aquileguia vulgaris) also exhibited its purple flowers.
A big kiss. A very big kiss for everyone in prisons.