Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa


  • What you have in front of your eyes is handwritten, reader. I usually write to those here by computer, but today the body has commanded me that it has to leave its mark here, realize its fatigue and its imperfections. And who am I to fight the body if he also suffers? Because I have the body and the others at the door, since December 15. No more and no less, and the bed has become the fakir bed. We wake up in the middle of the night and remember that we turn claims, messages, meetings and calls. The strangulation before falling into the sleeping arms, here, at the back of the chest, marks a load. The back protests.

27 December 2023 - 07:31
Last updated: 09:08
Izazpi gailurrean jarri nahi dituzten aerosorgailuaren azpiegiturak. "Gaur gaurkoz, herritarron babesa baino ez dute Izazpi, Oleta eta Samiño mendiek. Ez da gutxi, baina agian ez nahikorik. Azkoitiak, Azpeitiak eta Zumarragako udalek –EAJ, EHBildu eta PSE, hurrenez hurren– ez omen dute inongo asmorik agertu mendi horiek Green Capital Power multinazionalaren atzaparretatik libratzeko. Herriarekiko ardura haizeak eraman omen du".
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It is angry that the projects of the five wind plants were published in the BOPV on December 15. Two of them in the Urola valley, one next to the other: Buruzai and Trekutz. Behind the name of Buruzai are the Oleta, Izazpi and Samiño mountains. After Trektzen, Irimo and Meaka.

We were not surprised at the arrival of the announcement at the gates of Christmas, as the Renewable Energy Sector Plan came during the election. It gets angry and the fear we had has become terror. The deadline is one month. to appeal to the projects presented by the company, the multinational Green Capital Power, even though this holiday season affects many necessary areas: law offices, municipalities, citizenship... And no, it's no accident.

This month we have to read and analyse projects over a thousand pages in order to be able to subsequently present effective resources. As the vast majority of the population do not know much, information should be expanded as fully as possible.

In the defense of the Irimo and Meaka mountains, the neighbors and neighbors collaborated with the municipalities of Antzuola and Urretxu. A clear example of the construction of the city, commitment and responsibility towards the citizens from the violence of a multinational to save from destruction the mountains that we love and that make us. I shatter literally, because you can't apply 200 meter wind turbines at the top.

The accounts are different for Oleta, Izazpi and Samiño. Today, the mountains are only protected by the public. It is not a little, but perhaps not enough. The municipalities of Azkoitia, Azpeitia and Zumarraga, PNV, EHBildu and PSE, respectively, have shown no intention of saving these mountains from the claws of the multinational Green Capital Power. They say that the wind has taken the responsibility of the people.

The existing archaeological heritage is indifferent to the parties. Similarly, the fact that they are protected species, some endangered. Likewise, the effects these mountains have on the well-being of their inhabitants and the contributions they make to the peoples as common respiratory spaces, among others.

In the meantime, we citizens have decided to take responsibility for defending what is ours. Hiring a firm costs €7,500. Although it is an important hole for our pockets, its value is not very large.

Public utility takes advantage of boluses to give rural areas and natural spaces to multinationals. But is it not going to be more beneficial and more public than the citizens give us as they are?

These hands have guided the body's impossibility to paper. It will read on paper the strength of love for the mountain. And nails become a wool mattress.

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