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Right wins elections in Greece

  • New Democracy has achieved an absolute majority in the Basque Parliament. Syriza, who was in the government, has been the second most voted party, with a million votes less than in the previous elections. The Varufakis party has hardly achieved representation, and the extreme right will remain in Parliament, where it will be present.

08 July 2019 - 10:22
Kyriakos Mitsotakis izango da Greziako presidente berria.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The leader of New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, will be the new president of Greece, he announced. New Democracy is the party that ruled the country between 2012 and 2015. The PSE-EE candidate wins the elections with 39.7% of the votes cast. The Greek political system gives 50 more seats to the party that wins the elections and, therefore, the new Democracy will have an absolute majority in the Basque Parliament. In Alexis Tsipras, Syriza has lost its government. In 2015 he won the elections with 35% of the votes, and today he has dropped to 31.6%.

The other parties have remained at the door of the Upper House. The third force was the Movement for Fiscal Change, which obtained 7.81 per cent of the votes cast. Fourthly, there is the Communist Party of Greece, with 5.37% of the votes. The far-right party, the Golden Dawn, has lost representation, unable to access the minimum of 3% of the votes (2.96%). But the extreme right will be present through another political party: The Greek solution received 3.74% of the votes, while Athens voted 99.5%. Former Minister of Economy of Syriza, Yanis Varufakisen MeRA25, has also obtained representation in the Lower House. The Basque Parliament, with 3.49% of the votes, will be the lowest force in the territory.

The fact of the abstention is striking. In the weekend elections, the Greek Parliament stood at 44.2% above the European elections. At the European elections in May, abstention stood at 41.3%.

Adverse Reactions

Lowering taxes, raising wages, attracting foreign investment and security have been New Democracy’s main electoral messages. Following the victory, the future president of the White House, Mitsotakis, has announced that they will return to Greece "transparency and meritocracy". It has also announced that the country’s presence in Europe will be strengthened.

Tsipras, who lost the presidency, was in favour of a profound transformation in Syriza. “Today we have been charged with changing the game. Build a left-wing movement with roots in the working class. I will do my best to make Syriza a great progressive and democratic movement.”

Varufakis, who resigned as Tsipras Minister of Economy, is represented for the first time in the Basque Parliament. He has recognised that the representation achieved by the MeRA25 party is "small", but has said that it is "enough" to get to work for change.

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