Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They will investigate whether the allegation of a beating in the Gasteiz group is false

  • A woman reported in Vitoria-Gasteiz that she had been beaten by four young people on the night of 23 to 24 October in a house in the capital of Alavesa. The Ertzaintza opened an investigation, but in ten days no hint has been found confirming the complaint lodged with the Ertzaintza. The complainant insisted that the young people who attacked him were Maghreb and that they did so with a racist and xenophobic discourse. In 2015, he presented himself to the elections in Vox's lists. Security Advisor Josu Erkoreka said that the Ertzaintza is investigating whether this is a false complaint.

03 November 2021 - 09:08
Last updated: 11:38
Salakteraren arabera, ustezko jipoia gertatu zen tokia (Argazkia: EITBren bideo bateko fotograma)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

A 30-year-old woman reported having been assaulted by four young women when she headed for her parents' house in the Vitorian district of Batán, where they lived in her home. The Ertzaintza opened an investigation in order to clarify the facts, but in ten days no progress has been made, as no trace of the allegations has been found.

The place where the alleged aggression took place is located at the back of the Spanish Government’s delegation to the CAV and next to the Palace of Ajuria Enea, where there is a large chamber presence. However, in the images of the cameras inspected by the Ertzaintza, in the time zone fixed in the complaint no aggression or group of four people in the immediate vicinity is observed, but in the images the complaining person appears, although only. The Police have chosen not to make statements until they study the images of the cameras, captured further from that area and for a longer period of time. In statements to Bizkaia Irratia, the Security Advisor, Josu Erkoreka, has stated that the investigation so far denies the report of the complainant and that an investigation has been opened against the complainant to determine whether the complaint is false. According to information made public by Erkoreka, last Tuesday the Ertzaintza filed a complaint with the judge for a possible crime of gender-based violence against the complainant.

Does it denounce an assembly to spread racist discourse?

The complainant took advantage of the interview she dedicated to Toro Tv to say, among other things, that the media were neglecting a basic aspect when reporting the event: the origin of the four people who had allegedly beaten him. Thus, he used the loudspeaker provided by the extreme right-wing chain to emphasize that the alleged perpetrators of the beating were the Maghreb minors.

"I want you to see what is happening in Spain, the hatred that is in the streets. Indeed, there were four Maghreb, not just any four young people. I want that to be known. It's a reality. We let the people who do so in our country in. And I won't be the first or the last. You have to give a little voice to this. Stop it. Directly, outside my country. You have to be very demanding. Mine was a scare, but it could have been a tragic event.” The link of the woman with the extreme right is well known, and she presented herself to the 2015 election as a candidate for Vox.

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