In the end there will be five. Jean René Etxegarai, Henri Etxeto, Jean Claude Iriart and Mathieur Berge, the far-right candidate, Pascal Lesselier, have joined the electoral call for the coming days 15 and 22 March. Today was the last day to run for local elections - it ends at 18.00 hours - and Lesselie's options had faded, but the newspaper Sud Ouest has been able to add all the names that were along the way.
The former head of the National Union of Iparralde Jean Michel Iratxet will also be on the list. For his part, he tried for the first time to form a candidature, but he did not find all the names; finally, he decided to leave his party and meet with Lesselie.
So far, the vote equation was between four lists: three identified as left-wing and one as center-right. The arrival of the far right could completely revolutionize the playing field. We will have to see which candidate is most affected.
The harsh verdict against Proces came out in October 2019 and that set Barcelona on fire. In this context, in the Spanish State, the following sentence was read in the right-wing press: “For the good of Spain, Barcelona should be bombed every 50 years.” It was the phrase of... [+]