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The tip of the right could have veto capacity in Europe

  • Elections to the European Parliament will be held from 6 to 9 June. Historical results of the right end are expected. According to the surveys, the European People’s Party on the Right could, with the support of the two alliances of the extreme right, gain access to the ability to pass or block certain laws.

06 June 2024 - 07:30
Italiako Barne ministro Matteo Salvini eta Frantziako Fronte Nazionaleko Marine Le Pen beste hainbat agintari eskuindarrekin, maiatzaren 26an Milanen egindako bilkuran. Argazkia: EFE

In the June elections, far-right representatives could increase considerably in the European institutions. This is what a study by the European External Action Council (ECFR) carried to its pages by the media Diari Ara or Euronews. According to this, the first force can be the far right.

The European Parliament was set up in 1952, since then the representatives of the two main ideological families (the European People’s Party on the Right and the European Socialist Party) have occupied the majority of the 705 seats in the Chamber. In the forthcoming elections, a third family, made up of ultra-right forces from different countries, could increase sharply to the third position held by the Liberals so far.

But what do the surveys say?

According to the survey published in April by Europa Elects, the European Parliament would be as follows: The European People’s Party on the right would be the first force with 172-191 seats. It would be the Social Democrats of the European Socialist Party with 129-145 seats for seconds. The liberal alliance of Reformed Europe, within the PNV, the alliance of Democracy and Identity of the extreme right driven by the xenophobe Matteo Salvini in 2019 and the alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists, would be fighting for the third place in the works of 76-90 localities.

The Democracy and Identity alliance includes the German ultra-right party AFD, the National Front of Marine Le Pen of France, or the PVV party, which won the elections in Herberes. The Italian Brothers of Vox (Spain) and Giorgia Meloni (Italy) are present within the alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists.

EH Bildu is part of the last survey in which the Greens and the Group of the European Left appear.

Reflections of former left-wing MEP Miguel Urban

In Trumpismos, Miguel Urbane, a former anti-capitalist MEP who has worked in Brussels during the last parliamentary term, has done a rigorous X-ray. Catacras or the presentation of the book in Kaxilda have become spaces for reflection on the European Union and the extreme right in the last month.

In his presentation in the space of La Boragine Santander, on the eve of the European elections, he stressed that the new Treaty on Migration and Asylum, recently approved by the European Union, has opened the way to normalising xenophobic speeches of the far right and recalling migration policies. The treaty conclusions have recently been detailed by Urko Apaolaza in number 2868 of ARGIA.

“The new Pact on Migration and Asylum, recently approved, according to Miguel Urbane, has opened the way to normalize xenophobic discourses on the far right, while recalling immigration policies”

Little with the new Treaty and 15 countries of the Union have asked by letter for new solutions to the European Commission to deal with the “irregular flow of immigration”. Its proposals include the promotion of agreements with "safe third countries" to facilitate the transfer of asylum seekers. It seems that by accepting this type of proposal and legislation, the countries of the European Union are spreading the message of the extreme right for the elections on Sunday.

Impact of social networks

In the last photo of 9 June, the young Europeans who will vote for the first time will be of great importance, bearing in mind that in Belgium, Germany or Austria those over the age of 16 are entitled to vote. The Spanish journalist Leticia Fuentes, in her weekly programme dedicated to European issues in the artistic television chain, has published the report “The tip of the right is immersed in the mobiles of young people” on the influence social networks can have in the European elections. According to him, the most famous social network of young people, Tik Tok, is clear the supremacy of ultra-right movements. In this context, the Festival de la influencer derechista Alvise Perez should be placed in the Spanish State, which has concluded that the movement has real possibilities of representation.

The subject of minority languages

“The dominance of ultra-right movements is clear in the social network Tik Tok, the most famous of young people”

From the Basque perspective, the Basque Country and the government have been at the centre of the last legislature. In the campaign both the PNV and EH Bildu have expressed their intention to take steps on the official path. The Catalan independentists, following the agreement reached with the Government of Spain, managed to implement in October 2023 the request to formalize Catalan, Basque and Galician in the European Union. However, no major progress has been made following the disagreement of several members of the Union with the proposal in December of the same year, including Sweden or Finland.

In January, the Languages Lanean congress was held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao to reflect on the challenges of minority languages in the world of work and international life. Johan Hägmann, coordinator for the defence of European national minorities, nationalities and indigenous language groups, recalled what was done by Finland and Sweden, which, although born in Finland, is part of the Swedish minority of its speakers. “This has not been done on my behalf,” he apologized to the agents and companies that met in it in favor of the Basque Country and minority languages. He added that the position of Finland and Sweden is not casual and that resistance to implementing policies in favour of minority languages will be a reality in the next legislature. He concluded his speech by saying that a hypothetical rise in the right end can worsen the situation.

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