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The extreme right capitalizes on the attack of the Islamic State in Germany

  • The Islamic State has assumed the authorship of the attack by saying that it is a "revenge" of Palestinian Muslims and elsewhere. The extreme right has taken the opportunity to send messages against immigration from the euro area.
Protestak Alemanian. Reuters.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The alleged author, a 26-year-old Syrian, committed the attack on Friday in the city of Solingen, in southeastern Germany, at a festival commemorating the 650 anniversary of the city. The man stabbed a dozen people in the early hours of yesterday, killed three people and injured at least eight. The attacker took advantage of the chaos and managed to escape, according to the German police, which is at the scene. The following day, the man came to a police station in Germany as part of an investigation. However, in the previous hours, two other persons were arrested by the Police on suspicion that they might be aware of the plans. One of them, aged 15, died as a result of his injuries.

The Islamic State has assumed the authorship of the attack and has argued that it is a "revenge" of Palestinian Muslims and other parts of the world. The attack is a "soldier" of the Islamic State (IS), according to Reuters.

The extreme right, capitalizing on the incident

Next Sunday, 1 September, elections will be held in the states of Thuringia and Saxony (Germany). What happened in the city of Soling has reached the right and is taking advantage of what happened. For example, the extreme right-wing party Alternative to Germany (AfD) has changed the motto of the election campaign: Höcke or Solingen. You choose – Björn Höcke is your candidate. "Solingen's with AfD would never have happened, neither mass immigration nor security collapse," Höcke said on social media.

AfD is the leading candidate for elections in the state of Thuringia, with 30% of the votes, according to the surveys. In Saxony, for its part, it would be the second party, after the Christian Democrats of the CDU. However, after the Solingen event, there could be a rise in AfD on the coast this Sunday.

A number of far-right groups demonstrated in Solingen on Sunday to spread racist messages and anti-immigration speeches. For example, the identity of the perpetrator of the attack has spread throughout the world and, without being confirmed by anyone, the 26-year-old man should be deported because his residence permit in Germany had expired.

Several officers on the left have been stationed in the same place in a counter-amanifstation where there have been incidents with the Police.


This is the concept used by AfD, as Neue Rechte, of the Austrian right of identity. The young Austrian fascist Martin Sellner presents himself as "the New Right." He is known as an exhilarator and has been investigated several times for showing the slogan of Nazism. For example, in March he wanted to travel to Germany to participate in an AfD rally, but the German Government denied him access to that territory.

Both Neue Rechte and AfD defend Verification. That is, the deportation of all migrants, as if each country were only "of the native citizenship". Firstly, they point out that the "illegal migrants" must be expelled, since there is an urgent need for this; and secondly, every immigrant settled in the country "to ensure the existence of the country".

They also defend the "traditional family", as can be read from AfD, candidate Peter Gerhard, who was chosen to lead the candidacy. "Man and woman, in that order, and children. We do not condemn homosexuality, but we defend the traditional family, because there is an imperative need to give our own children to this country".

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