The attack occurred around 19:30 Sunday in Euskal Herria, at the end of a demonstration organized by the extreme right of Brazil. The protest comes from the Army Headquarters, 9 kilometres from the headquarters of the government, to call on the military to strike down the new government of President Silva Lula, Luiz Inazio. The demonstration was not authorized, but the protesters have done so peacefully, and when they have arrived in the area where the main Brazilian institutions are located, they have easily overcome the Police barrier.
Thousands of citizens have occupied Congress, the Planalto Palace, the seat of the presidency, and the Supreme Court, causing damage. The image is very similar to the views in the United States for two years and two days, when Trump supporters occupied Congress. In four hours the government has regained control of the institutions through the army. The police and military are arresting demonstrators who have participated in the attack and, as has been reported in the media, there are hundreds of detainees.
Attendance by Lula
President Lula appears a couple of hours after the attack, from the region of Sao Paulo, to which he attended to learn first-hand about the damage caused by floods. It reports that the Brazilian Government has taken over the security of the Brazilian capital and the entire Federal District. Lula accuses the Military Police of Brasilia of facilitating the passage to the aggressors. Federal District Secretary of State for Security, Anderson Torres, is former Bolsonaro Justice Minister and at the time of the attack he was in the United States as former president, Jair Bolsonaro. She has also pointed out as responsible for the attack.
The President says that the aggressors are “fascist vandals” and states that they “identify and punish” not only the direct participants, but also the promoters.
The governor of the Federal District of Brasilia, Ibaneis Rocha, Bolsonarista, has dismissed Secretary of State for Security, Anderson Torres. For its part, the Brazilian Supreme Court has dismissed governor Ibaneis Roche himself in 90 days. According to news agencies, Judge Alexandre de Moraes has taken the decision arguing that only the attack could occur "with the consent of the authorities and even with direct participation".
Former President Jair Bolsonaro is still in the United States. There he traveled two days before Lula took office as president and did not attend the inauguration ceremony in Brasilia on 1 December. For the first time in Brazilian history, the outgoing president did not establish the presidential band to the newly appointed president.
Bolsonaro has made statements via Twitter, once the attacks had been cancelled. “Peaceful declarations under the law are part of democracy. However, catches and invasions of public buildings, both current and left-wing in 2013 and 2017, are out of the box,” he wrote. During his term of office he has stated that he has respected and “defended” the “laws and democracy”. Lula has been politically responsible for the attacks on Bolsonaro, among other things, for not accepting the election results. “I reject the accusations that the current head of the Brazilian executive has charged me,” Bolsonaro replies.
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