Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"They tied my wrists very closely, and when they were told that they hurt me, they squeezed more."

  • Unai Isasi Azkarraga (Amurrio, 1998) was arrested by the Ertzaintza in Vitoria last Friday in the context of the demonstration recalling the massacre of 3 March 1976. Aiaraldea spoke to the Communication on detention.
Ertzaintzak martxoaren 3an atxilotu zuen Unai Isasi Azkarraga gaztea. Argazkia:

07 March 2023 - 07:30
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

He was arrested following the demonstration on 3 March. What was the detention like?

Another young man was arrested in the context of the demonstration on Friday. At the end of the mobilization, we stayed at the Plaza de los Fueros to collect information about the arrest of this young man and make efforts to contact the lawyers. We made some phone calls, we talked to some college students, we contacted people around them… At that time we knew little about their situation.

When we were in the Plaza de los Fueros we realized that more and more police came to the area, uniformed ertzainas, but also street dresses. Fewer and fewer demonstrators remained and this made the presence of the Ertzaintza more apparent. At that time, we decided to continue with phone calls elsewhere. We left the plaza and we met with more cops. I noticed they were looking for me. I tried to leave, but the police on the street appeared on me, threw me on the floor and stopped me.

I got a kick in my head, another put my knees on my face and a third on top. In the video I've seen that later I had a lot more on top, at the time I didn't realize everything.

What was the attitude of the Ertzaintza?

I noticed they were nervous. They tried to remove my backpack but because they didn't, they had to cut the tapes. I was very closely bound by the tips. I asked them to stay, because they made me a terrible pain, but they tied me even stronger. I was taken directly to the hospital. I think they realized they acted violently.

In the hospital I was attended by a nurse and a doctor, always with the presence of Ertzaintza. They asked me what the detention was like. I told them I had no pain taking my hands off. They answered me at the police station asking me if I felt bad to go back to the hospital.

Then they took me to the Lakua police station. As soon as I arrived I was completely naked, although I said I would not. I think they would do it with the intention of humiliating or frightening, just as they use blows and insults.

"They asked me if I had a lawyer. I told them yes, and the Ertzaintza demanded her phone. I was told that in the absence of a phone, I was going to get an attorney, and it was."

They gave me cordless clothes and put me in a cell. They expelled me the reason for the arrest and read me my rights. I was asked if I had a lawyer. I told them yes, and the Ertzaintza demanded her phone. I told them again that I didn't know the phone but I had a lawyer. I told them the lawyer's name and surname, but they didn't accept it. I was told that if I wasn't given the phone, I'd be put in an attorney's office, and it was.

Then came the lawyer.

Yes, I was allowed to meet him alone. He told me that the next morning I would surely testify to the judge. I replied that there could be a trusted lawyer in the courthouse, although I was not allowed to get in touch that night. The lawyer replied that he would then simply observe the details of that night.

I was the first to meet with the lawyer, then he met with the other young man arrested by the same lawyer. I asked the other young detainee to convey tranquillity. I imagined I could be nervous. He was alone at the time of his arrest and thought no one knew he was there.

After being with the lawyer, I got naked again. They took me to the cell and after filling my file they released me, although I thought I was going to spend the whole night there.

They wanted family and friends in front of the Lakua police station. The Ertzaintza also opposed these, right?

I was the last to leave the two detainees. I greeted family, friends and colleagues. Then I saw the other young man being detained for the first time. A number of furgons of the Ertzaintza appeared about to leave. They told us that they were going to identify everyone who was there, imputing the recording of cars that were allegedly entering the police station. No one was recording cars, but the Ertzaines had to prove that no one is above them.

What are you accused of?

They accuse me of public disorder and aggression against the authorities. I will shortly be called to testify before a judge to see what I have to do with what was reported by the Ertzaintza. Then we will know the direction of the case.

The following day there were protests about the arrest in Amurrio, Vitoria and Lemoa. In these protests, this 2023 situation was associated with police violence in 1976.

The Ertzaintza wanted to make it quite clear that with the operation of 3 March police forces continue to exercise their power with complete impunity, without any consequence. I think the Ertzaintza gets very nervous on 3 March, because they feel signalized, because they know, as in 1976, that they too have responsibility for police violence, and they use it in many other cases. Violence was used to persecute the Young Block or to fight solidarity among workers.

Do you think the police presence was excessive?

There were a lot of Ertzaintza crackers, a lot of Mobile Brigade policemen, and a lot of police on the street. We must not forget that it was a demonstration to remember the 1976 massacre. 47 years ago the police killed five workers in Vitoria and two others in the demonstrations in Tarragona and Basauri to report the events. The police presence is a provocation, this confrontation was intentionally sought.

Have you drawn conclusions from the arrest and the events of 3 March?

We have shown that in this country we still want to fight. Union and solidarity are the strongest tools we have on this road. It has also become clear that we must protect ourselves from both police and institutional violence, and that, in particular, mutual protection among the most vulnerable sectors will be essential.

They can do whatever they want to break the solidarity between workers, but the demonstration on 3 March is a good example; after 47 years the working class remains united. As then, we continue to work for this country and we are not going to stop.

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