The sludge currently existing in Justice is not the present sludge, it comes a long time ago. The dictator died, but his political regime did not. Through a false transition he inherited everything he had to leave, all well tied. Today he begins to talk about the regime of 78, saying that it was a trap, that they had deceived us (forced)... Anyway, there were those who devoured the bait at ease. Some political parties that sold us the democratic breakdown in exchange for some lentils, left the basic elements of the dictatorship intact (monarchy, army, justice...), getting stuck with a new envelope, without altering the internal content.
On the other hand, in the Spanish State, political parties participate directly in the justice bodies (also the PNV, and in its day CIU). This has a clear consequence. The Government invents the crime with the help of the press, the police invents the evidence and the judges invent the sentence. All of us who do not feel Spanish and fight for independence are terrorists for them and that is why they punish us; at the same time, corrupt politicians, police intimidation, fascists... are at ease.
Over and above the right to decide freely what a people wants, there are no laws or democratic constitution; everything else involves taxation, injustice and oppression.
Hence the problem. Although almost 45 years after the dictator’s death, those who gave the 1936 coup d’état and their “democratic” heirs still think that those who do not have their ideas are enemies, even more so in the case of Catalans and Basques. For Spain, therefore, we are enemies and the criminal law of the enemy applies to us. But this is not something new; in Euskal Herria, by anti-terrorist law (with the support of the PNV and the CIU), the most combative sector, the former Basque left, they applied that right from the beginning; and then to the law of political parties; and now to the law of Mordaza. The case of support for Basque political prisoners has been clear. They have condemned their solidarity with them, as they have forced their lawyers and other militants to lie so that they do not go to jail. The opposite is the case of Alsasua and Catalonia, the truth is that they have gone to jail. Your dignity! With the silence of many and the complicity of others, this snowball has now become a avalanche and in the Spanish State the injustice continues to spread and splashing more and more sectors.
In the meantime, the new unbearable priests of now (ecologists, political scientists, sociologists, politicians..) fill the head with insistent preachers of coexistence, of nonviolence, of democracy... to remain silent and submissive. They know that violence has its origin in injustice and repression and that the people have the right to oppose it, but it is easier for them to rebuke it than to confront the power of the State and its subjects. In the case of what happened in Bolivia, his complicit silence and that of democratic Europe show the falsehood of his words.
Above and beyond the right to decide freely what a people wants, there are no laws or democratic constitution; all else is imposition, injustice and oppression. Coexistence cannot be sown under these conditions, because this bleeds the oppressor and punishes the oppressed. Moreover, for the powers of Spain (and for many Spanish citizens) the only model of coexistence is that we are all Spanish, they do not want another coexistence. The one who does not accept it is considered terrorist or promoter of hatred and goes to jail. The message that without violence everything is possible, the message of civil disobedience and peaceful actions has fallen to them, and that is all a crime. This is the real face of your Spain, which will not be democracy until the liberation of the nations under your control. And this is what we have to be clear about the Catalans and the Basques.
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