The discipline of the ball by hand has been defined as “new and modern” on the web of video game. PlayStation has received support from the Basque International Football Federation and the Spanish Football Federation to carry out the game since its creation in 2008.
They have developed it in Bilbao and the city is also at stake. In addition to a closed fronton for training, the video game will offer the possibility of playing in seven open fronts. These fronts will be spread across different cities around the world: New York, Mexico City, Miami, Dubai, Tokyo, Madrid and Bilbao. The only pediment to be set up in Euskal Herria will be that of the Basque capital.
I think Soraluze’s ‘Jaso burua’ initiative is very good, which drives the necessary awareness. Last week, I was at the conference for parents of elementary school children. With the older child in FP, little criticism was heard about the use of screens (and screen... [+]
Bi amaren kezkak abiatu zuen prozesua Usurbilgo Udarregi ikastolan: zein adinetan erosi smartphonea seme-alabei? Ikastetxeko guraso elkarteak proiektu mamitsua garatu du ordutik, gaiaren inguruan ikasleak eta gurasoak formatzeko. Horrez gain, hiru hilero negoziatzen dute... [+]
Seme-alabei smartphonea goizegi erosi nahi ez dieten familietan, “presioa hain da handia, herri batzuetan benetako bazterketa arriskuak detektatzen hasi garela” mugikorra ez duen haurrarekiko. Lehen Hezkuntzako gurasoen artean, ikasgela edo maila bakoitzean familiak... [+]
“Barraka” abentura bideo-joko umoretsua garatzeko urtebete izango du Ibai Aizpurua diseinatzaile eta programatzaile irundarrak. Horretarako 15.000 euroko laguntza irabazi du Durangoko Azokaren laugarren sormen bekan.