The governments of Scotland and Wales have asked London for “immediate measures to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union without agreement” when Brexit is scheduled for 29. They have also asked him to delay the 'Brexit' date and not to do so.
The motion has been adopted on the grounds that the road map being followed by the London Government is "very bad". This is the first time a motion has been debated and voted on at the same time by the two chambers of EH Bildu.
Scottish Conservatives accuse the Scottish Government of wanting to push for a second referendum on independence on the excuse of Brexit.
Europako Batasuna 1993an sortu zenetik kide berriak gehitu dira bata bestearen atzetik. Joan den ostiralera arte 28 estatuk osatu dute makro-egitura politiko eta ekonomiko hori. Izan ere, urtarrilaren 31 historiara pasako da, EBk izan duen lehen zatiketaren eguna izan delako... [+]
Otsailaren lehenean bereizi dira Erresuma Batua eta Europar Batasuna.