The Government of Navarra and the Town Hall of Roncal have presented the result of five months of works: concrete wall to protect the pedestrian way of road cars, wider sidewalk, railways in the area of the river bank, road marks and renewed signs… The representative of the Government of Navarra has pointed out that it is essential to make possible the adequate road infrastructure to “guarantee access to basic services”, and the school is without doubt.
Access to this basic service, as well as the state of access roads and streets, is not often safe in our cities and towns dominated by roads and cars. Recently there was a complaint from the parents of the Atxuri school in Bilbao, which, in addition to emphasizing that Bilbao is a strange city for children, denounced the contamination and insecurity suffered by the school environment. At Atxuri, they would be happy to launch the project that boys and girls go to school walking and alone with their peers and peers, “because it is a very nice experience that has a direct impact on the development and relationships of boys and girls”, but to make possible something like this, first of all, “we see it necessary for the city to put several guarantees. Right now, crossing the zebra crossing in green is a danger to us.”
If putting children's skin serves to influence urbanism and start building more livable places, there's something to do with it.
Group boys and girls in more and more towns
Schools in more and more towns and cities are launching initiatives to promote self-care for students. As we explained in the article that we published about this, in these initiatives it is usually the first step to agree a safe and planned itinerary, and if one of the consequences is reading streets and neighborhoods with those eyes, if putting on the children's skin serves to influence urbanism and start building more livable places, there is something.
Heldu zaigu EAEn 2025-26 ikasturterako ikastetxeetan matrikula egiteko garaia, eta etxe askotan etxeko txikienak urrats berria emango du hemendik gutxira, irailean, eskolaratzea, alegia. Euskal Eskola Publikoaz Harro Topaguneko kideok apustu sendoa egiten dugu eskola publikoaren... [+]
Araba, Bizkai eta Gipuzkoarako Hezkuntza Lege berria onartu zenetik, aurrerantzean hezkuntza doakoa izango dela behin eta berriro entzuten/irakurtzen ari gara. Eragile desberdinei entzun diegu, baita Hezkuntza Sailari ere, eta hedabideei eskaintzen dizkiegun elkarrizketatan... [+]
There are many ways to gain power; not all are beautiful. There are those who want to divide the power and the responsibility that it entails with it, who seek authority. Others have a lot of respect for him and the fact that each step is so measured makes them unable to make a... [+]
On February 3rd, the time has begun to pre-enroll our children and young people in schools, and as every year we would like to remind you why we do not think it is a good idea to enroll them in religion. Last year we finished the article saying that “many of you will be... [+]
From the Association of Parents of the Instituto Arratia Small Tram we want to encourage reflection on the use of screens in the learning community.
Lately there is a lot of concern about the impact of screens on children and adolescents. This responsibility extends from... [+]
There are concepts that appear everywhere during certain periods, which also become mantras. They appear to us in a positive and necessary way, without too much debate and without thinking about them. It seems to me that one of these mantras is internationalization, which has... [+]