A group of fathers and mothers of the ikastola Amaiur of Pamplona/Iruña have criticized that the management has taken the decision without debate. “We have been told that afternoon hours are not very effective, but they have not given any arguments; instead, they think that children will be concentrated for six consecutive hours and 25 minutes of rest at noon.” According to the group of parents, scientific studies show that the last hours of the morning are more laborious and less attentive than those of the afternoon.
Parents also see more difficulties: students will eat late; children 3 years old, for example, at 14:00, and those in the third batch, at 14:45. It will also mean a reduction in the number of pupils and an increase in the price of the service.
And more critical: in continuous schooling, in the mornings the teachers meet the schedule and in the evenings they are not in the center, "coordination is going to get worse". In the afternoon there would be only 25% of teachers for after-school activities.
Goes against cohesion
According to the group of parents, continuing education is not inclusive, but harms students in situations of greater vulnerability, as well as families with less flexibility. In short, they would only stay in the evenings, with more hours of class, in after-school activities, because according to the families' decision, students are allowed to go home to eat, home after eating or after-school activities in the afternoon. Parents have stressed that these extracurricular activities are of little interest to ensure that the number of pupils enrolled is as low as possible.
At the same time, from 16:30 onwards, the patio is lost as a meeting point and, therefore, it loses this “environment of coexistence that generates social cohesion and educational community”, “a meeting point for the students of all families and levels”.
In general, students lose their schooling, teachers and families who do not have problems working on a continuous schedule. In addition, they have reported that there is no procedure to return to the quotient once the continuous schooling is established. In the afternoon of this Tuesday, they have called a repulse concentration at 17:30 hours in front of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Karlos III.ean. Under the motto “Escort without debate or solution, not so!”, the concentration has been convened by the parents and workers of the dining rooms.
In response to a video published by the group of parents, a father has reported the experience of the San Francisco Public School of Pamplona. He has stressed that continued schooling has broken the network of the educational community, which has widened the socio-economic gap, because it has become the will of all parents who complete the daily school day as soon as possible - preferably before eating, otherwise on the table - and the sons and daughters of those who cannot do so are left in the afternoon.
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