The Basque Government says that it shares the spirit and objectives of the proposal, which sees a need to promote social cohesion and equity in education, but the agreement signed last year with the trade union majority (ELA did not accept the agreement) states that it wishes to address the issue in the draft Education Act that is being drafted and which it intends to present shortly in Parliament.
The Administration has added that they want to implement the “Index of Educational Needs”, i.e. an index that identifies the needs of each centre for the distribution of aid on the basis of it.
The popular legislative initiative, launched last May by the Zubiak Eraikiz platform, has been supported by EH Bildu, Elkarrekin-Podemos and PSE-EE.
Single registration office for all
The platform has proposed a measure that many actors demand: a single office or registration window, including representatives of trade unions and families, to facilitate centralization of registration and ensure fair criteria. Other measures have also been put on the table, such as the free provision of all educational establishments, “against direct or indirect fees”, and positive discrimination, to “provide more resources to the most disadvantaged educational establishments”.
In relation to the theme, we have published in Argia the Daily Report of the centers of Ghetto.
Eskolaz kanpoko jardueren eskaintza zabala egiten duten ikastetxeen aldean, beste askok ez du horretarako aukerarik; eta eskola bereko ikasleen artean ere, denek ezin dute ekintzetan parte hartu, baliabide ekonomikoek baldintzatuta. Esku hartzeko dei egin diete instituzioei:... [+]