Following the coronavirus crisis, the Basque Government suspended school sport and other federated sports activities several weeks ago. Faced with this, many have started to raise their voices against the measure, because they say that it can be done with security guarantees and value the benefits of school sport.
A few days ago, the educational agents asked the Basque Government to do it in the schools of the Basque Country. Sports federations have now made the same request for school sport and federated sport. The Union of Basque Sports Federations and the sports federations of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa have published a joint communiqué (pdf) stating that measures against Covid-19 are easily implemented in the context of regulated sport.
For the federations, school sport is part of the continuing educational activity, "like other academic disciplines, suspension can lead to a loss of training". Moreover, training children in controlled and regulated spaces, in small groups and outdoors, would help control the health situation, according to them.
Coinciding with these demands, Bultza Kirola joined the Basque Country on 15 November, a platform that groups associations and clubs concerned about the measures imposed on sport in the three territories of the CAV; they have started a campaign and a collection of signatures on Twitter with the hashtag #BultzaDeportes Euskadi.
A new student has come to school. It comes from Ireland. The mother of Bilbao and the Irish father of pure strain.
The girl does not know Basque but speaks perfectly Spanish. The teacher puts him on the blackboard to introduce himself to his new colleagues and, once finished,... [+]