The Akelarre Association aims to promote Basque culture and IX. Public Reading is scheduled for Wednesday, June 6. Maialen Lujanbio is the creator selected for this year. His verses and texts will be read in the Hendaye Media Library from 1:50 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
58 active agents
Lujanbio’s elaborate words will be read by a wide range of actors and people linked to the Basque language: Members of the School of Verses of Hendaye, children of the Summer Place group, children of the Ikastola, Erro Colina, Pantxoa Etxegoien, Jesús Arzallús, Idurre Eskisabel...
Lujanbio will sing spontaneously sung verses in the square and written verses (including those published in LA LUZ) and read several written articles.
The program can be viewed directly on the Akelarre website.
Authors of previous readings
The following video from the Akelarre Association shows the authors of the previous eight editions:
Martxoaren 17an hasi eta hila bukatu bitartean, Literatura Plazara jaialdia egingo da Oiartzunen. Hirugarren urtez antolatu du egitasmoa 1545 argitaletxeak, bigarrenez bi asteko formatuan. "Literaturak plaza hartzea nahi dugu, partekatzen dugun zaletasuna ageri-agerian... [+]
1984an ‘Bizitza Nola Badoan’ lehen poema liburua (Maiatz) argitaratu zuenetik hainbat poema-liburu, narrazio eta eleberri argitaratu ditu Itxaro Borda idazleak. 2024an argitaratu zuen azken lana, ‘Itzalen tektonika’ (SUSA), eta egunero zutabea idazten du... [+]
Joan Tartas (Sohüta, 1610 - date of unknown death) is not one of the most famous writers in the history of our letters and yet we discover good things in this “mendre piece” whose title, let us admit it from the beginning, is probably not the most commercial of the titles... [+]