This Wednesday, August 12, dozens of young people have concentrated in the corner of San Marcos del Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz to denounce police persecution against a young man. Moreover, on the pretext of preventing the festivities, the major operations carried out by the Ertzaintza, as reported by Guedar, have been brought to light.
According to the testimony of the young woman, she was arrested early on Friday 7 August and was subjected to "beatings" and "ill-treatment" by the Ertzainas, as the agent recorded them in an operation. The agents entered Pintorería Street at "full speed", so the young man started recording the facts with his mobile phone. As a result, they withheld him and ordered him to surrender the cell phone. In the face of the young man's refusal, they assured him that they "beat" him and "threatened" him in the street, where he has been arrested. In the end, they reported that they had "forced to deliver the phone" and "erase the video."
They then took the young man to the police station, where they "bare him", "insulted him" and "beat him", according to the same sources. Finally, he was transferred to the courts for an alleged crime of "attack on the police". The agents have stressed that the only test he had to defend himself "erased" and destroyed it.
They considered it essential to publicly denounce such cases, “in order to limit their impunity”.
31 urteko emakume kolonbiarra osasun zentrora eraman ordez ertzain etxera eramatean agenteek "akatsa" egin zutela aitortu du Segurtasun sailburuak, baina azpimarratu du ez zuela "jipoirik" jaso.
Martxoaren 3ko Memoriala hornitzeko erabiliko dira bildutako objektuak. Ekimena ahalik eta jende gehienarengana iristeko asmoz, jardunaldiak antolatuko ditu Martxoak 3 elkarteak Gasteizko auzoetan.
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, zortzi bat ordu eman zituen ziegako zoruan etzanda Ertzaintzak ospitalera eraman aurretik. Segurtasun sailburu Bingen Zupiriak berak eskatu du Eusko Legebiltzarrean agerraldia egitea.
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, atxilotu zutenean berak ez zuen ertzainik zauritu, haiek lurrera bota zuten eta konortea galdu zuen. Ondoren, Ertzaintzaren komisariaren zoruan iratzartu zen eta handik ospitalera eraman zuten.