The Housing Union AZET denounces that the Ertzaintza has unlawfully evicted the Casco Viejo de Bilbao on Thursday afternoon. The Ertzainas appeared in the house of a neighbor without a court order and forced him out. He adds that they identified three members who came to show solidarity.
January to the illegal Eviction no! Various associations and groups in Bilbao launched the campaign: AZET Housing Unions, Sos Racism Bizkaia, Atxuri Harrerak, Chess Spaces, ODS Human Rights Offices, Occupation Offices of Bilbao, Houses of Culture of Bilbao La Vieja and Coordinadora de Barrios de Bilbao La Vieja, San Francisco and Zabala.
They denounce that illegal evictions are "daily bread" in the neighborhoods of Bilbao and consider it an example of that eviction on Thursday: "Extreme poverty and capitalist interests are in continuous collision in our neighborhoods, and the occupation of vacant houses has become an instrument of survival for many neighbors."
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