This Sunday, 3 March, there were charges in tribute to the victims of 3 March 1976 at the annual demonstration in Vitoria. The burdens of the Ertzaintza in the centre of the demonstration and in the riots have spread several videos with other Capuchins pointed out by the protesters as "infiltrated". Among them is a man who carries an extensible blurry. He was in his hand, but that did not prevent the Ertzaintza from being beaten. Now, a source from the Security Department confirms to the media that they were blows between colleagues from the Ertzaintza.
The unions ELA, LAB, ESK, Steilas and the March 3 association have denounced the "brutal burdens of the Ertzaintza", "they have been thrown with tassels and dozens of foam balls, even going with vans above the protesters".
Together Araba asks this Monday to investigate the loads of the Ertzaintza. He warns that this was a disproportionate act and that Lakua has called in the General Meetings for clarification on these police burdens.
Sergio Gómez de Segura, of OPINION, defended, as always, the action of the Ertzaina. “Collaborators’ activities are adapted to reality and law,” he noted in the ETB-2 En Jake program.
EH Bildu eta ERC alderdiek Espainiako Kongresura eraman dute 1976ko martxoaren 3ko gertakariak ikerketuko dituen ikerketa batzordea sortzeko eskakizuna, eta onartu egin da. Bozeramaileen Batzordeari dagokio orain erabakia eztabaidatzea eta bozkatzea.