Last Tuesday, the youth organization Ernai mobilized in Donostia-San Sebastian against Spanish Hispanidad. According to reports on social networks, after the demonstration, the Ertzaintza identified three young people in different parts of Bilbao.
Upon requesting identification, the young man asked one of the Ertzaines to identify her in Basque, claiming that she has the right to be attended in Basque, and the agent answered "yes, but you have the obligation to do so in Spanish because she places Spain in your identity document". Ernai Donostia has published a video denouncing the violation of linguistic rights and the identifications of women in Euskal Herria.
The youth organisation has stressed that this is not the first time such events have taken place.
But they told the young people that the identification would be done in Spanish and accused them of having Spain on their identity card.
This is not the first time in Donostia we have been faced with a violation of that language and this is unacceptable.
— Ernai Donostia (@ErnaiDonostia) October 13, 2021
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