The Ertzainas were the protagonists of Wednesday’s day, marked by the statement of agent number 7422 in which they actively participated.
The testimony went along the same lines as the other agents who had already declared, when the private prosecution asked him whether he had met with lawyers from the Basque Government or with officers from the Ertzaintza to agree to his statement. The witness ended his shift with an affirmative answer.
Although the persons present in the court were astonished, more than one suspect that the witnesses no longer fulfilled their obligation to tell the truth in their statements: No one had heard the authorities that ordered the shooting, and all the parties had previously warned of the throwing of the balls, and they had seen hardly anyone shot.
The similarity of the versions of the Ertzainas they declared throughout the day also drew the attention of the jury members from the beginning.
Abenduaren 15ean Ertzaintzak artxibatu egin zuen Cabacasen hilketari buruzko barne ikerketa, eta gurasoek gutun batean adierazi dute “harridura eta atsekabea” eragin ziela erabakiak. Josu Erkoreka Jaurlaritzako Segurtasun sailburuari leporatu diote euren samina... [+]
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Segurtasun sailburu Josu Erkorekak azaldu duenez, sei auzipetuei ezin zaie ardura diziplinariorik eskatu, haietako bost (Juan José de Pablo 'Ugarteko' ertzainburua tartean) jada ez direlako funtzionarioak, eta seigarrenak, tiro egiteko agindua... [+]
Iñigo Cabasen heriotzagatik kondenatutako ertzainak ez du kartzelara sartu behar izango, baina lau urteko inhabilitazioa ezarri dio Bizkaiko Lurralde Auzitegiko epaimahaiak.