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The European Union imposes more sanctions on Russia

  • Two years after the war in Ukraine, the European Union has agreed on the thirteenth wave of sanctions against Russia. It is one of the largest ever, including for the first time Chinese companies.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

23 February 2024 - 10:16

The European Union announced yesterday the adoption of a new series of sanctions against Russia, the thirteenth since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. This Saturday marks two years of the war in Ukraine and, in addition to providing military support to the Government of Ukraine, the Twenty-seven continue to impose economic sanctions on Cremina.

The new range of coercive penalties, considered to be one of the "widest so far", is formally approved on 24. In one way or another, the European Union has set a target for companies claiming to be participating in the war in Ukraine, but not only in Russia, but also in third countries.

It points out to the "250 responsible for the invasion" in the new series of penalties, accusing them of helping Russia to combat and circumvent the economic sanctions imposed by the European Union. It will therefore punish hundreds of international companies: European companies will not be able to trade with them. They seem to have placed particular emphasis on companies that allow the Russian Government war drones, and have even included Chinese companies for the first time.

In addition to punishing companies from third countries, Twenty-seven will keep the practice against the almost 2,000 people and the company that had been set up so far: they will extend the penalties for another six months. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, calls for "further deterioration of Putin's war machinery".

The United States has also announced the imposition of new sanctions on Kremlin. According to Joe Bide's president, these measures will be announced this Friday.

EUR billions of military aid

On 1 February the European Union agreed to continue military aid to Ukraine, which has decided to grant financial aid of EUR 50 billion in the coming years. However, the renewal of the Peace Aid Fund is at stake. With this rather ironic name fund, the European Union finances the sending of arms to Ukraine, but both Germany and the French state raise doubts about its maintenance.

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