International experts and the media have confirmed that the war in Ukraine has escalated in recent days and the attacks have hardened. Ukraine’s President, Volodimir Zelensky, has spent several weeks saying that they are going to “counterattack”, but they are not going to determine when it will be. There are sources that say they have already started.
The Russian Ministry of Defence announced on Monday morning that “a major attack” on Ukraine has been rejected in Donetsk, a region annexed to Russia since September. According to the Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Xound, the attack has been frustrated and about 250 Ukrainian army soldiers have died and destroyed 16 tanks, among others. According to Kremlin's information, the Ukrainian troops' objective was to enter the front defence zone they consider most vulnerable, but have not succeeded.
Ukraine denies and confirms that they have not initiated the announced counter-attack, while The Guardian has recalled that discretion is essential. Kremlin is accused of spreading “false information” with one objective: “The launch of a psychological operation on the counter-attack expected to convey with false information the feeling of failure, to discourage Ukrainian citizenship.” Kiev warns that they can use old videos and manipulated images.
Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, with experience in conflict resolution, travels to Kiev on Monday at the request of Pope Francis I. It will represent the Vatican as an intermediary between Russia and Ukraine to negotiate peace. However, there is no date to travel to Kremlin yet. Zuppi has participated in peace negotiations in Mozambique, Guatemala and Burundi (with Nelson Mandela). He also tried to mediate between ETA and the Spanish Government in the Basque conflict, but he failed to do so, as Naiz said.
On 19 September the majority of the European Parliament voted in favour of: "That all restrictions on the use of arms systems granted to Ukraine should be lifted immediately on Russian territory," he added. In common terms: "Launch missiles long across Russia." This Parliament is... [+]
For the powers, the salami tactic is attractive. It consists of cutting steaks progressively. With the enlargement of NATO, violations of international law, regime changes and the international proliferation of its military bases, the United States reduced the security and... [+]
Kursk is a historic region of Russia. He lived in peace until 6 August, when the Ukrainian army entered the city. About 15,000 men entered. Hundreds of tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery pieces, air defense radars… the most modern weapons that exist today, brought from all... [+]
Osasun artak biltzen ari da Pablo Gonzalez Moskun une honetan. Joan den astean, Poloniako Radomgo segurtasun handiko espetxetik atera zen kazetaria bi urte eta bost hilabeteko preso egon ondoan. Poloniak leporatzen zion espioitza frogatu gabe libre atera da.