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Russia invaded

11 September 2024 - 14:43

Kursk is a historic region of Russia. He lived in peace until 6 August, when the Ukrainian army entered the city. About 15,000 men entered. Hundreds of tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery pieces, air defense radars… the most modern weapons that exist today, brought from all over the world: From the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Spain, Italy… The military leadership of the operation was put by NATO. American and British intelligence. Post-American satellite geolocation. Accompanied by hundreds of suspected mercenaries. We suspect this, because they are soldiers from other countries who have changed the uniform in themselves, according to specific data: French, Poles, Yankees, British, Germans… Who has invaded Russia, Ukraine or NATO?

As soon as they entered, panic began to seize the fugitives. Shot by a group of civilians fleeing by car, there are at least seventeen deaths. Many others were seen in the trucks abruptly and hit with the rifle butt. The massacres and the robberies have not been missed. What are the objectives of all these feats? In the case of Ukrainian troops, hate attacks may be the same. But NATO doesn't design those operations with the viscera. On the contrary, they are completely linked to military logic.

Objectives of the invasion

Throughout the world, analysts have tried to guess the goals of this invasion. There is talk of praising the mood of the Ukrainian troops that are being destroyed, of creating confusion among the Russians who think about victory, of withdrawing Russian troops to stop the Donbass process and the eastern front, of forcing Russia to make a qualitative leap in the military responses and, what will surely come closer to the truth, of intervening the Kursk nuclear power plant.

The battle in Kursk is, according to the Western military, the largest ever known in the twenty-first century. With this initiative it can be said that the time of collapse has accelerated and with it the end of the war.

Are the objectives being achieved? Is it just the great triumph of the Ukrainians who are selling us on television and in the media? The truth seems quite the opposite. From all over the West, the words of the analysts are coming to ensure the echo of defeat. The Ukrainians are said to have been unable to advance further, because the Russian Army has put a stop to them 20 kilometres from the border. In addition, as far as the numbers are concerned, some are as terrible as they are significant: the number of calcined tanks is approaching one hundred, the number of armoured vehicles is four hundredths, and, most importantly, the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed and maimed is six miles. To match these figures, which have been formed in two and a half weeks, we should add, as we are told, all the people affected in the last 6-7 months throughout Ukraine.

The failure of the invasion

In order to fill the gaps in these lost troops, it has been decided to expand the number of troops deployed from the eastern front. In this way they have further weakened their already rather weakened defence system in Donbass and speeded up the victory of the Russians throughout the eastern front. The battle in Kursk is, according to the Western military, the largest ever known in the twenty-first century. With this initiative, it can be said that the moment of collapse has accelerated and, with it, the end of the war.

Will this be the last battle of war? When answering this question, the first thing to bear in mind is that the war is not against Ukraine, but against NATO. At the moment, Ukraine is not able to deal with Russian armies either for a day or for a day. The question, therefore, is: Is NATO still in a position to make another qualitative leap? Answer: yes, of course.

NATO will continue to suck

The list of actions carried out so far is long and remarkable: dozens of mercenaries began incursions into Russian lands (Belgorod), at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow continued the terrorist action that caused 144 deaths and 551 injuries, with the detection of nuclear missiles in Armavir and the strategic radars in Orsk that happen every day, with the purchase against the largest nuclear power plant. Etc. This invasion of Kursk has crossed all the red lines, it has been the greatest provocation so far and, it can almost be assumed, it has frustrated all the possibilities of giving a dialogue end to the war. The United States and the European Union do not intend to negotiate a final and will continue to suck Russia. The list of what has been done is very long, but NATO’s imagination is great to continue to do so… and they will continue to do so. No doubt.

Economic elites are scared

The globalist economic elites are terrified. In addition to the global hegemony, they see the danger of losing that of Europe. You see that if NATO loses the war in Ukraine, its future would remain in a critical situation. In addition to political and economic hegemony, they do not see their lives with certainty. For them too, this war has become existential. That is why we say that, after the defeat in Kursk, more harsh and violent action could be expected. The Americans will not give up on their efforts.

Joan Mari Beloki Kortexarena

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