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Rochapea Gaztetxe Eviction Operation: Several Detainees and Numerous Injuries

  • The National Police is dislodging the gaztetxe de la Rochapea. Several neighbours have joined the rally called by the members of the Gaztetxe at 08:30 hours, which has led to incidents between the police and the attendees. The police have charged the concentrates and arrested at least seven people, who have been uneasy.

02 September 2021 - 06:53
Last updated: 09:15
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The gaztetxe de Arrotxapea had eviction order for September 2, and the day has illuminated with a significant police presence in the neighborhood of Pamplona. The National Police is surrounded by the building, which has been occupied since 2016, and is also located by helicopter nearby. A Municipal Police patrol has also been deployed to the site.

The members of the Gaztetxe held a rally at 08:30 in the morning and, under the call, several people have come. However, the police have prevented them from approaching the housing they had occupied at the scene of the event. Members of the Gaztetxe have reported through social networks that they have identified several people "under the excuse of security", but have reminded citizens that there is permission for mobilization. At least 40 people have been identified by the Russian capital police.

After 9 a.m., agents of the Ertzaintza went to the gaztetxe door and received no response, so the locksmith opened the door. The police have been able to access gaztetxe and the housing lockdown has been changed. However, they have not been able to start the closure of the building, as some members of the gaztetxe were able to resist inside, as the following photograph implied:




The members of the gaztetxe were allegedly inside the building.




After a while, the Local Police has assured that there was no one inside the gaztetxe and that the photo spread on the networks is "old or false", according to Berria journalist Ion Orzaiz.

They've introduced a crane into the building. It seems that they are not too late to start demolishing the building.

Police charges and several detainees

The atmosphere has been stretched as the morning has advanced and by 10:00 hours the Police has charged the congregations in the immediate vicinity with rubber balls and goats. received images from that time:


Disturbances have spread outward, where at least seven people have been arrested for violent incidents. The three have been taken to the police station at Txintxilla Street.

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