Last week, a complete human skeleton and remains of buildings such as houses, cereal canyons and portions of a road were found. The place where the discovery has been made is in a large and flat plot located on the river bank, near the town.
The first signs of perforations for water conduction were made by several holes in the field for sampling. Luis Villanueva, of the archeological company Antequem, explains to ALEA magazine that they are the remains of a small Roman town: "They're not very visible, it's not a major city with mosaics; the walls of the house have appeared, a grave, we've excavated the area and we've diverted the pipes. They can be interesting for research."
Villanueva has made it clear that this work has also carried out an archaeological check and that an archaeological report on the area of Atiaga is already being prepared for transfer to the Diputación: "The current policy is not to spoil anything, although it is not very clear; it is true that sometimes there is no possibility, but in the case of Atiaga it has been possible, and we have done so," he added.
The director of the BiBat Archaeological Museum, Javier Fernández Bordegarai, has confirmed that the ordinary procedure has been followed in the case of Atiaga and has clarified that the importance of the remains is not yet known, as they are pending from the report of the archaeologists of Valladolid: "At the moment we don't know what they are, we know traces have appeared, but we know it's not how important they are. The archeological company has a period of one year to carry out the cleaning and investigation of the remains in the laboratory, and then the materials will make them available to the Council".
According to Fernández Bordegarai, it is known that there are deposits in the vicinity of the localities of Tuesta e Atiaga. "We know that in that area there are deposits like La Miel because loose material has appeared, bones or ceramic fragments, but they are not well characterized, we have very little information and very little data," he explained. So, it's not a surprising finding, but it can be interesting to complete the information: "The information you get is useful for researching dating, for researching the cultural world; the hardest thing is to characterize it well, because the deposits are very complex."
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