The Bizkaia Census Network consists of ten groups of racialized people, domestic workers and migrants. On 27 November they concentrated on the City Council of Bilbao to demand the right to register and the fulfilment of the commitments made by the plenary on 25 June.
The network explained that on June 25, with the exception of pp, all parties approved that all people who registered in municipal facilities during the confinement were registered in contact with the Social Services or collaborating entities. However, the Sare citizens' network has denounced that the City of Bilbao has not fulfilled its commitments and has accused the municipality of Bilbao of "hindering" and "unwillingness" to dialogue.
It is now three months since the requests were made, but the City Council has not complied with these commitments. If not, they have remarked that they will continue to demand compliance with the law.
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