The La Rioja Department of Education reported on Friday the opening of research on the appearance of worm larvae in catering menus of five community schools.
The company that prepares food in schools is Serunión, also from Lamuza School.
The AMPA of the Laudio school denounces that this company also serves its children.
The controversy has run in Lamuza because this week the Education Counselor, Jokin Bildarratz, was asked to intervene for the poor quality of the menus. In fact, both students and management have pointed out that "you cannot eat that food".
2016ko hasieratik bosgarren aldiz, Europako Batzordeak ez du lortu EBko estatu kideen gehiengoa glifosato herbizidari baimena luzatzearen alde agertzea. Indarrean dagoen baimena aurtengo abenduaren 31n iraungiko da, eta beste hamar urterako berritu nahi du Batzordeak,... [+]
E. Coli bakterioak kutsatutako haragia topatu dute Ipar Euskal Herriko saltokietan, eta Vignasse et Donney enpresak adierazi du dagoeneko saltokietatik marka horretako eta Belliande markako haragi xehetua eta hanburgesak kendu dituztela.