The members of Errigora and Euskaraldia have met today in the Geltoki space of Pamplona, as the Queen and Euskaraldia campaign has just ended in four days. Members and volunteers from Errigora and representatives from Euskaltzaleen Topagunea have therefore met to discuss both initiatives.
According to Ibai Sueskun, member of Errigora, 24 producers of the harvest harvested from dozens of farmers from Navarra Media and Sur have placed basket products; hundreds of volunteers from the Queen have carried out tasks as messengers and order pickers; Aek, Sortzen and Ikastolen Elkartea have been part of the organization; several agents and institutions have joined the campaign and thousands of consumers. In October, Ablitas’ call for the merger of Euskal Herria from Tudela has again received an excellent response. The Queen continues to promote Euskera, food sovereignty and neighborhood work in a practical way.
200,000 euros more in the ikastolas Lodosa, Tudela and Viana, to distribute scholarships in the Basque Country of Aek by Ager Osoa, to promote lines of Model D in schools and to complete a broad agenda for the whole year within the Ageraldia project.
Ibai Sueskun highlighted the recent Agerre Euskaltzaleak Meetings held in Peralta on 5 November. "It has been exciting how the Basque people have come together to meet and share together very new challenges for the Basque people," Sueskun said. According to his words, the movement is moving, the Appearance, the gift movement that wants to give a new bellows to the Basque country.
Baskets will reach thousands of homes in the coming weeks and Ibai Sueskune has ended by saying that this auzolan will join the Basque Country.
To begin the Basque phase, there are only four days left, and according to Saioa Goñi, a member of the Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, hundreds of peoples, associations, entities and volunteers have joined in organizing social practice. “A great movement is perceived and the experience of the years is also noted in the depth of explanation and understanding of the exercise.”
Now is the time to confirm that the participants in the Basque phase will perform the exercise. Thousands of ears and drownings have already confirmed their adherence to social work, but those who have not yet done so can do so in
This year, Euskaraldia wants to make visible the challenges facing the ears and sisters around the exercise. To do so, "What challenges will you have during the Basque Country Aldia?" It wants to ask the citizens. Goñi pointed out that “the challenges faced by citizens for these 15 days are very diverse: speaking in Basque 15 days with the person in your head, speaking in Basque in the new shops, trying to have bilingual conversations with the bakery business… Because the change in language habits will come with small, medium and great changes”.
He has asked everyone who is going to be willing to hear: record your challenge with your phone and put it on social media, with the @euskaraldia quote and the hashtag #Literaldia.
On the other hand, the spectacularity of Euskaraldia is of great importance when performing the exercise, as it creates an environment and provides tranquility to express itself calmly in Euskera. Therefore, Euskaltzaleen Topagunea has called for the placement of banderoles in balconies, windows and windows, which are for sale in and which are also for sale in local commissions.
And in relation to this spectacularity, they have recalled that there is a "badge so necessary" to carry out the exercise, and Goñi has called to wear it dressed daily in the joke because "there may be a difference between exercising and not doing it".
Hamahiru ZirHika kide batu dira hitanoaren erabilera aldarrikatzeko eta antolakundearen ekintzen berri emateko. Azalpenak Badihardugu elkarteko Idoia Etxeberria eta Galtzaundiko Uxoa Elustondok egin dituzte. Horiei, Andoni Egaña eta Amaia Agirre bertsolariak eta... [+]
Euskaraldia comes back. Apparently, it will be in the spring of next year. They have already presented it and the truth is that it has surprised me; not Euskaraldia himself, but his motto: We'll do it by moving around.
The first time I have read or heard it, the title of the... [+]
The Basque country is about to finish writing these lines, the end is still insufficient. They will certainly be beautiful, similar to those of a great party.
In Bizkitarte I have carefully read, here or in other publications, lines written by people more expert than I, let us... [+]
On November 18, the “Euskaraldia” began, an initiative that aims to promote the use of Euskera among Basque speakers and non-Basque speakers for two weeks. Although I believe that this initiative has shortcomings in some contexts and there is no better veneer than “Good... [+]
Ariketa kolektibo bat egingo du Gazte Euskaltzaleen sareak azaroaren 14tik 18ra, gazteen artean euskaraz bizitzeko hautua bultzatzeko eta horretarako oztopo diren "egiturazko baldintzak" azaleratzeko.