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Errigora collects 235,000 euros for the Basque country in the south and central Navarre

  • Organizers have stressed that the tailor’s campaign has been a “success” thanks to popular construction. They have asked the Navarre institutions to assume “their responsibility” with the Basque Country and to cooperate with the work of the citizens.

17 November 2021 - 08:57
Last updated: 10:06
Kanpainaren arrakasta auzolanari esker izan dela nabarmendu du Errigorak. / Argazkia: Errigora.

Errigora began this year’s fall campaign under the slogan “The people do the people” and it has been like this: 15,500 baskets of local products have been sold in the “gigantic communal exercise” and the 235,000 euros obtained will be destined for the Euskaldunization of central and southern Navarre. The organizers have stressed that this initiative has demonstrated “the value and usefulness of auzolan”. All participants were congratulated.

For the eighth consecutive year the autumn campaign has been carried out, which since last year has been presented under the name Puzka euskarari. As they have explained, in 2020 “a wave of solidarity” was called for to respond to the “fracture” that the pandemic has given to Basque activity and the result was the best of all times. However, calm by the situation, they did not expect this year’s “success”: it is the campaign that has achieved the most adhesions after last year’s.

Institutional responsibility

From Errigora they recall that in order to euskaldunize this area of Navarra an auzolan is necessary, but not enough. In the same Parliament of Navarre they criticized that the institutions "have done little" and asked them to assume "their responsibility" with the Basque Country. They have called for the necessary resources to be made available to citizens and for reversing the linguistic policy of decades in order to use the territory "sooner rather than later".

What is the money for?

The money raised through the baskets will go to different Basque programs to promote the use of Euskera. According to the drivers, it is an “indispensable” economic aid for AEK and ikastolas to survive and take steps forward. Sortzen will provide resources for Model D to continue to be strengthened in the public education network. In addition, Ageraldia has been able to prepare a further action agenda by 2022. Thus, they want to extend the Basque language to all areas and spaces.

The result of the campaign was presented in the following summary video:

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Eguneraketa berriak daude