Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They have created an identifying errigor from four values

  • Euskera, food sovereignty and the promotion of neighborhood work are the Queen's most important objectives. They started in 2013 with five producers, but today they are already 23, so they have felt obliged to take another step: the Errigora identification.
Argazkia: Errigora Argazkia: Errigora

03 March 2023 - 13:23

The identification will be based on four areas: naturalness, Euskera, neighborhood work and the relationship with families, with which Errigorri wants to strengthen cohesion in the group of producers and to deepen the coherence between the products that come to the hands of consumers. The researcher was publicly presented last Wednesday at the Public University of Navarra.

The following features are highlighted in the four main stamp values. Local character: it ensures that the components used in the production of the product belong to the Ager area of Navarra, that is, to the south of Pamplona. They only exclude salt and sugar. Euskera: assures that the Basque standardization plan is being developed in the production company where the product was produced. Resident work: indicates that the product producer is part of the auzolanes organized by Errigorri. Relationship with the farmer: determining the origin of the relationship with the farmer. In these relationships, close and collaborative logics predominate, that is, there is no mediation and the quantities and prices of raw materials marketed are agreed.

An evaluation dynamic shall ensure the correct functioning of the identifier. First, producers will carry out self-assessment based on four values and composed of 43 questions. This self-assessment system will be established and supervised by the Evaluation Bureau.

This volunteer table will be renewed year after year and the first will be made up of Edorta Lezaun Etxalar, member of the Lezaun Organic Winery and former president of CPAEN-NNPEK. José Ignacio Ayensa, member of the Conservak School. Kiko Fernandez, ecological farmer and member of Bardea Energy and president of Haziar. Angel Iturri Ilardia, member of Iturri Conservak. Julio Nabarro, member of Conservas Ebron. And Mikel Mutilva and Xanti Kiroga, responsible for producing Errigorri.

In this interview by Euskalerria Irratia, Xanti Kiroga, member of Errigora, offers more details.




Photo: Errigora





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