Errigorri prepares a special and unique basket to celebrate its 10th anniversary. “We want to unite what we are, what we have been and everything we want to be to, after a decade, address a new phase together and reinforced,” said Errigorri. And to fulfill this purpose, we have expressly adapted this year’s tailor offering. In this campaign they have prepared an “original, round and multiplier” basket. As in its beginnings, a single €50 basket to “distribute more than ever”. They also want to take a giant picture of the Queen's community in this campaign.
The basket contains 9 organic and conventional products typical of 23 producers and orders can be made on the web from today until 9 November. However, those who do not want or are unable to make the request via the Internet will be able to request the basket by completing the form attached to the campaign handsheet.
10 years completed
On the day of October, in 2013 Errigora was born in the Casa de Solidaridad Zabaldi, in the Navarrería square of Pamplona. They presented the project "Diffusion of products of the Southern Navarre by the Basque Country" and "Contribution to the Basque culture of the area", which for a month have turned their plans into action and have fulfilled their expectations.
Errigora is a project that combines local products with local language. They have covered more than 130,000 baskets and, at the same time, have more than filled the bag of the Basque industry with the benefits of baskets, EUR 1,800,000. Every year volunteers, producers, consumers and fellow travellers come together to the community of the Reina.La "Euskarari puzka" campaign of autumn is a campaign that especially brings together all members of the community and sensitivities, from producers to fellow travellers from the Basque industry.
Martxoaren 10etik 26ra izango da udaberriko kanpaina. 'Beste modura, denona de onura' lelopean arituko dira gertuko ekoizpena, banaketa eta kontsumoa babestu eta sustatzeko, ager zonaldean euskara hauspotzen duten bitartean. Apirila amaieratik aurrera jasoko dira... [+]